Mastering Marvel Super Hero Squad The Infinity Gauntlet: Secret Tips and Tricks for Ultimate Success


Mastering Marvel Super Hero Squad The Infinity Gauntlet: Secret Tips and Tricks for Ultimate Success is the definitive resource for mastering the thrilling action-adventure video game featuring the beloved Marvel Super Hero Squad universe. This guide provides detailed strategies, step-by-step guidance, and expert tips to help you become a master of the Infinity Gauntlet experience. With this guide, you’ll gain access to the best strategies for assembling the ultimate team of Super Hero Squad members, exploring and completing the vast array of objectives, rampaging through the biggest foes, and mastering the in-game systems. You’ll quickly learn how to make the most of every minute spent adventuring through the four intergalactic worlds, defeat every enemy, and become an unstoppable force in the game. Get ready to unlock the full power of the Infinity Gauntlet with this guide.

1. Utilize the Infinity Stones to power up a character.

1. During the game, you will need to collect Infinity Stones to upgrade your characters.

2. Once you have acquired an Infinity Stone, go to the Powers menu under the Character selection section.

3. Select whichever character you want to upgrade, and then you will see a new option to “Infuse”. Select that, and then your character will be able to select the Infinity Stone you have and “Infuse” it.

4. Each Infinity Stone can be used to give the character additional abilities. Select the ones you want to use and the character will be upgraded.

5. Once you Infuse the available Infinity Stones for a given character, you can turn it off or on for battle. When you turn it off or on, the character will receive additional abilities and stats accordingly.

2. Use the special attacks of each character to great advantage.

Each character in Marvel Super Hero Squad: The Infinity Gauntlet has a unique set of special attacks that you can use to great advantage in battle. To utilize these attacks, you simply select the character whose special attack you would like to use, from the character selection menu. When the attack is selected, it will appear on the screen, and you will need to time your taps of the attack button to effectively perform the attack.

For instance, if you are using Iron Man, his special attack, called Unibeam, requires three button taps in succession to activate. Once the Unibeam is activated, it will send a powerful beam of energy out from Iron Man’s chest. To use this attack, you simply need to align the beam with an enemy and tap the attack button three times.

Special attacks in Marvel Super Hero Squad: The Infinity Gauntlet vary greatly in terms of strength and effectiveness, so it’s important to choose your moves wisely and strategically. Doing so will help you gain victory over your opponents.

3. Collect golden coins to purchase special items from the shops.

1. Collect golden coins by defeating enemies and completing levels. Any defeated enemies, destroyed objects, or missions completed will give you coins.

2. Go to the shops and explore the available items. Click on the ones you would like to purchase.

3. When you have enough golden coins to purchase the item, click on the purchase button.

4. Coins can also be purchased from the store. Click on the “Buy Coins” button on the main menu, select the amount of coins you would like to buy, and type in payment information. The coins will be added to your account once the transaction is complete.

4. Activate group attacks with several heroes at the same time.

Group attacks can be activated by pressing the pairing button (back shoulder button on Xbox 360 controller) to switch to group mode. From here, an individual character can use their attack token to initiate an attack, while other characters can pair up with any other hero (no more than four heroes can pair up) to combine their attacks. For example, Iron Man and Hulk can choose to pair up and use their attacks in tandem. After pressing their attack tokens, the game will show a cinematic of the group attack performed.

5. Combine several group attacks to maximize the effect.

Combining group attacks is a great way to maximize the effect in Marvel Super Hero Squad The Infinity Gauntlet. Here are some tips:

1. Start with a clear strategy – decide which heroes will be doing the attacking and assign each a specific role.

2. Have the heroes use their special attacks (such as Captain America’s Shield Throw) to set the stage for the group attack.

3. Move the heroes into position, taking into account each hero’s attack animations.

4. Once everyone is ready, have the heroes activate their group attack simultaneously. This will cause additional damage and effects, like stuns or knockbacks.

5. Take advantage of the group attack’s effects. For example, the Hulk’s Mighty Smash group attack will cause a knockdown, meaning that other heroes can use their attacks to follow up on additional damage.

6. Utilize ultimate attacks and combos when you’re in range – this will maximize the amount of damage done and can be the difference between success and failure.

6. Utilize classic Marvel heroes, such as the Hulk and Iron Man.

1. Select a character. Press the Select button on your game console or controller to bring up a list of characters from which you can choose. Select the character you wish to use, such as the Hulk or Iron Man.

2. Choose your special moves. Depending on the character you choose, you will have access to different special moves. For the Hulk and Iron Man, these will generally include a wide variety of different attacks such as punches, kicks, and energy blasts. The exact moves available will depend on which character you have chosen.

3. Strategize how to use your character. Pay attention to the special moves available for the character and how they have the potential to help you defeat your opponents. Choose attacks which can be used to counter any type of foe you come across, and consider how different characters can work together to perform powerful combos.

4. Power up your character. As you progress through the game, you may be able to unlock special abilities which enhance and develop the skills of your character, such as increased strength, health, and damage inflicted. Power up your character by unlocking these skills and equipping special items.

7. Utilize powerful items found in each level.

1. Look around each level for power-ups. Look at the walls and floors for cracks or breakable objects, as these are usually hiding places for items.

2. Activate power-ups. Many power-ups have a button associated with them that you must press to activate them. They are often highlighted by a particular color to make them easier to identify.

3. Utilize the power-ups. Power-ups can give the heroes a variety of abilities, from transforming the environment to granting new attacks. They often work best when used in combination with other power-ups or other heroes.

4. Exploit enemies’ weaknesses. Each enemy type in the game has its own weaknesses. Use power-ups to target these weaknesses and make them easier to defeat.

8. Free trapped citizens and allies for bonus items.

1. Freeing trapped citizens and allies for bonus items is done by completing missions. The missions can be found in general locations throughout the game and will have a series of objectives for the player to complete. These missions usually involve capturing enemies, destroying objects, and rescuing civilians. When each objective is completed, the player will earn bonus items such as money, XP, character upgrades, and more.

2. Freeing members of The Super Hero Squad can also earn bonus items. This is done through completing missions associated with each Super Hero. Once the mission is completed the Squad member will be unlocked and the player will receive items associated with the mission.

3. Completing puzzles and other activities throughout the game can also reward the player with bonus items. These puzzles and activities range from simple challenges such as identifying a missing object, to more challenging tasks such as solving a complex puzzle. Completing these activities will reward the player with bonus items such as coins, special attacks, and other upgrades.

9. Use timed attacks for maximum effectiveness.

Timed attacks are attacks that must be done at a specific moment as the action is taking place. The player must time their attacks correctly so that they hit the intended target when the opportunity presents itself. To do this, the player must be able to read their opponent’s movements and recognize when the best time to attack is. Timed attacks are especially useful for taking out large groups of enemies quickly as well as avoiding taking damage when enemy attacks are timed. The player should note the timing of enemy attacks and block or dodge accordingly to buy themselves time to deliver a powerful offensive strike. Certain characters have more powerful timed attacks than others, so it is wise to use that character in order to maximize their effectiveness. Timed attacks should be used to gain an advantage or even the playing field so that the player can complete the mission with greater success.

10. Make use of timed combos for maximum damage.

Timed combos are a great way to maximize damage in Marvel Super Hero Squad The Infinity Gauntlet. To use them, start by targeting a single enemy with your Super Hero. Then, rapidly tap the Attack button to unleash a chain of simple attacks. After the initial attack, your hero will automatically connect additional attacks together. This string of rapidly-executed attacks is called a combo. If you time your combos correctly, they can deal additional damage to the enemy.

Additionally, once your Super Hero’s special ability meter is full, you can chain a special attack to further increase your damage. To do this, press and hold the attack button for a few seconds to initiate the special attack sequence. Follow the on-screen prompts to complete the special attack and rack up more damage. Combined with a well-timed combo chain, special attacks can help you take out enemies quickly.

11. Unlock hidden figures for bonus power.

Unlocking hidden figures for bonus power in Marvel Super Hero Squad The Infinity Gauntlet can be done in several ways.

1. Complete All Challenges: Challenges are in place for each level and storyline of the game. Once the player has completed all challenges, new figures will be unlocked.

2. defeating bosses: Defeat each boss in the game to unlock new figures.

3. Collecting Points: Points earned in the game can be used to unlock new characters. Points can be earned by defeating enemies, completing levels, and destroying various objects.

4. Red Bricks: throughout the game, players can find and collect hidden Red Bricks. Collecting certain amounts of Red Bricks will unlock new figures.

5. Purchasing figures: Finally, players can purchase figures through the in-game shop. By spending Infinity Points, new figures can be added to the game.

12. Unleash special attacks when your Infinity Power meter is full.

When your Infinity Power meter is full, you can unleash special attacks to defeat your enemies. To unleash these attacks, press and hold the Attack button on your controller. While holding the Attack button, use the Directional Pad to select the special attack you want to use. When you’ve chosen the attack, release the Attack button to unleash it.

Each of the characters in the game has their own unique set of special attacks. You can view the list of special attacks by bringing up the character select menu. Each character’s special attacks are listed in the bottom of the menu.

13. Dive into the air and use hover mode for extended flight.

To Dive into the air and use Hover Mode for extended flight in Marvel Super Hero Squad The Infinity Gauntlet, press and hold the Left Trigger or L2 on your controller. This will cause your character to dive down into the air. While still holding the Left Trigger, press and hold the A or X button to activate Hover Mode. This will allow your character to stay elevated in the air temporarily. Release the Left Trigger or L2 to stay in Hover Mode, and press the B or Circle button to end Hover Mode and return to the ground.

14. Employ high jumps for surprise attacks.

High jumps are a great way to surprise your opponents in Marvel Super Hero Squad The Infinity Gauntlet. To use high jumps for surprise attacks:

1. Select your character and press up on the directional pad to make them jump.

2. Aim for the area above your enemy and judge the fall trajectory, making sure that your character will land close enough to your enemy to surprise them.

3. As you fall, be sure to activate your character’s special attack to ensure maximum damage.

4. Once your character lands, press the attack button to finish off your foe.

5. Repeat the process as necessary to defeat your enemies.

15. Collect cosmic shards to increase your strength.

1. Collect the five Infinity Gems. These can be obtained by completing levels in Story mode and from playing in Super Hero Arena.

2. Once all five Infinity Gems have been collected, return to the main menu and then select the “Cosmic Shard” option.

3.Enter the galaxy map and look for Cosmic Shards. Cosmic Shards come in three varieties: shards of Life, shards of Time and shards of Mind. Collect all three for maximum strength.

4. Once you have collected a Cosmic Shard, return to the main menu and select the activate option to increase your strength.

5. Alternatively, Cosmic Shards can be obtained by playing through Super Hero challenges. In these challenges, you will be tasked with defeating a powerful adversary. Once you have completed the challenge, the shard will be yours.

16. Use the Team-Up command to call on nearby allies.

The Team-Up command can be used to call on nearby allies in Marvel Super Hero Squad The Infinity Gauntlet. To use this command, press the Team-Up button while your character is in combat. This will summon any characters that are in the immediate vicinity of your character. They will enter the battlefield and fight alongside you, allowing you to take on larger and more powerful foes. If a teammate is far away, they cannot be summoned with the Team-Up command.

17. Utilize opening sequences to gain a tactical advantage.

18. Launch surprise attacks from the sky.

To launch surprise attacks from the sky in Marvel Super Hero Squad The Infinity Gauntlet, each player must have an air squad. Flying heroes can launch surprise attacks by approaching an enemy from above and entering a combat stance. To use the air squad effectively, it is important to keep the enemies airborne and vulnerable. Quickly use special attacks and heavy attacks to do the most damage. Effective use of the air squad can help in defeating enemies and completing a mission quickly.

19. Converge on your enemies with a series of aerial attacks.

1. First, take your character (or characters if playing with another player) into aerial form if you have not already unlocked it. This can be done by using the “Y” button.

2. When in aerial form, move your character around the battlefield. This can be done by using the “A”, “S”, “D”, and “W” buttons.

3. When you have the chance, press the “X” button to launch a combo attack on your enemies. You can also use special attacks accrued from completing levels.

4. While in combo mode you will be able to move up and down by using the “A” and “D” buttons. This will allow you to converge with other enemies in the air.

5. Use your special and combo attacks to create multiple aerial attacks to take out your enemies. This will give you the advantage and your enemies won’t have time to defend themselves.

6. Finally, if you are playing in co-op mode you can have your partner take your character in a different direction to create a decisive aerial battle and help take out your enemies.

20. Use skills to defeat enemies in one hit.

To use skills to defeat enemies in one hit in Marvel Super Hero Squad The Infinity Gauntlet, use your character’s powerful superpowers. Each character has a unique signature superpower, as well as a variety of other special moves and abilities. Take some time to familiarize yourself with the moves available to your chosen character and practice using them until you gain some confidence. When the time comes to use your skills to fight enemies, take a few steps back and give yourself some space, then use your character’s special attacks to deliver as powerful a single punch as possible. In general, Hulk and Thor’s signature attacks are some of the most powerful moves available in the game.

21. Rearrange the team formations for different strategies.

1. Begin by selecting which SuperHero Characters you would like to be part of your team. You can choose up to four characters for your team.

2. Once you have selected your characters, it is time to arrange their positions. You can use the directional buttons to move the characters left to right, up and down.

3. Think about the team dynamics and how you want the characters to interact. Place ranged characters on the outside of your team so they can attack from afar. It’s also a good idea to have one tank character who is able to take hits and protect the other characters.

4. If you are playing against a powerful enemy, it may be wise to rearrange the team to put your tank character at the forefront of your team.

5. Try different formations and observe the results. It can be helpful to rotate between different team formations in order to confuse the enemy and gain a tactical advantage.

22. Utilize each character’s special attacks for maximum damage.

1. Iron Man – Use his Repulsor Blast special attack to damage multiple enemies at once, focus on shooting single enemies with the Unibeam attack or shooting a barrage of blasts on multiple foes with Missile Barrage.

2. Thor – Use his Lightning Blast to damage multiple enemies at once, and use his Mjolnir’s Hammer to inflict extra damage on a single foe.

3. Hulk – Use his Smash special attack to damage multiple enemies at once, then follow up with a powerful Chaotic Smash attack to quickly take out a single foe.

4. Wolverine – Utilize his Slice ‘n Dice attack to quickly and efficiently damage multiple enemies, then use his Berserker Rage to cause massive damage to a single foe.

5. Spider-Man – Utilize his Web Swing attack to immobilize enemies then use his Power Slam special attack to quickly decimate single enemies.

6. Captain America – Use his Shield Throw to damage multiple foes at once, then focus on taking out single enemies with his Shield Charge attack or target multiple foes with the Shield Wall attack.

23. Master the bubble move to shield your heroes from harm.

1. Start by holding the circle button and then pressing either Up, Down, Left or Right on the D-pad.

2. When the circle overlaps the white orb icon, release the circle button and your hero will instantly form a protective bubble.

3. To master the bubble move, try practicing this move with multiple heroes, or if you’re feeling more adventurous, jump towards the enemy and press the circle button while in mid-air.

4. The bubble will form around your character, protecting them from incoming danger.

5. To shield even more of your heroes, you can press circle multiple times to keep the bubble going.

6. The bubble can last a few seconds, and the length of time increases with the number of heroes inside the bubble.

7. Lastly, the bubble can be canceled at any time by pressing the circle button again.

24. When you think you’re in trouble, teleport away.

Learn the Teleportation Ability: Make sure your character possesses the teleportation ability. Some characters in the game may have this power by default, while others may require unlocking or specific upgrades to gain access to it.

Activate Teleportation: When you find yourself in a difficult situation or under attack, press the designated button or input the appropriate command to activate the teleportation ability. This action will initiate your character’s teleportation ability and allow you to escape.

Choose a Safe Destination: While teleporting, you’ll need to choose a safe location to teleport to. This could be a predetermined spot in the game world or a specific area designated for teleportation. Use the control pad or other input method to select the desired destination.

Execute the Teleportation: Once you have chosen your destination, confirm your selection to execute the teleportation. Your character will disappear from their current location and reappear at the chosen destination, effectively escaping the trouble you were facing.

Utilize Cooldowns: Teleportation abilities often have a cooldown period, meaning you may need to wait a certain amount of time before being able to use it again. Pay attention to any cooldown indicators or timers that may be displayed on the screen, and use teleportation strategically to ensure it’s available when needed.

Assess the Situation: After teleporting away, take a moment to reassess the situation. Evaluate any threats or challenges you were facing before teleporting, and determine the best course of action moving forward. Teleportation can buy you some time, but it’s important to plan your next steps wisely.

25. Fill up your SuperHero Meter to activate powerful super moves.

Defeat Enemies: Engage in combat and defeat enemies throughout the game. Each defeated enemy contributes to filling up your SuperHero Meter. Use your character’s attacks, combos, and special abilities to take down foes efficiently.

Perform Combos: String together consecutive attacks and combos to increase the rate at which your SuperHero Meter fills up. Experiment with different attack combinations and timing to maximize your combo count. Combos typically yield more points toward filling the meter.

Collect Power Orbs: Keep an eye out for power orbs that are often dropped by defeated enemies or found in the game environment. Collecting these orbs adds significant points to your SuperHero Meter. Approach the orbs to automatically pick them up.

Complete Objectives: Some missions or objectives may provide bonus points toward filling up your SuperHero Meter. These objectives could include rescuing civilians, locating hidden items, or achieving specific goals within a given time limit. Pay attention to mission instructions and aim to complete them to earn extra points.

Avoid Taking Damage: Taking damage from enemies depletes your SuperHero Meter. Try to avoid enemy attacks, block or counter them effectively, and stay vigilant during combat. By minimizing damage, you can preserve your SuperHero Meter and continue filling it up.

Use Team Attacks: Certain team attacks or cooperative maneuvers with other characters can generate additional points toward filling up your SuperHero Meter. Coordinate with other characters in the game to unleash powerful combined attacks and earn more points.

Upgrade Super Moves: As you progress in the game, you may unlock or upgrade your character’s super moves. These upgraded moves often yield more points toward filling up your SuperHero Meter. Invest in upgrading these abilities to enhance your overall performance.

Strategic Play: Adopt a strategic approach during gameplay. Plan your attacks, consider using crowd-control moves to defeat multiple enemies at once, and prioritize tougher opponents for maximum point gain. By playing strategically, you can efficiently fill up your SuperHero Meter.

26. Block incoming attacks with your shield.

To block incoming attacks with your shield in Marvel Super Hero Squad The Infinity Gauntlet, you must press and hold the ‘Y’ button (or Triangle on the PlayStation 3) on your game controller while moving the Right Stick to move your shield and block the attack. When you hold the ‘Y’ button down, your hero will put their shield up in a blocking position. Keep the button held down while you move the Right Stick in the direction of the enemy’s attack to block it.

27. Utilize physical attacks with mid-air combining techniques.

1. To utilize physical attacks with mid-air combining techniques, you must first make sure you are playing as a character who is capable of these attacks. Not all characters are able to do this. Depending on the character, some can do mid-air combinations with physical attacks while others can only do them with special attacks or even both.

2. When you’re close enough to an enemy to use physical attacks on them from the air, press the ‘Jump/Jetpack’ button and make sure you’re in mid-air just above the enemy.

3. From here you can press any of the attack buttons (square button / X button / Y button / A button) to use a physical attack such as a punch or kick.

4. To combine physical attacks in mid-air, hold down the attack button combination that you want to use and move the left thumbstick or d-pad in the direction of your desired attack.

5. When you are in the midst of releasing this attack combination, press the jump/jetpack button again to launch yourself in mid-air and unleash the mid-air physical attack combo.

28. Make use of the Wall Climb ability to reach greater heights.

1. Select the character who has the Wall Climb ability. In this game, characters with the Wall Climb ability are Iron Man, the Hulk, Thor, Hawkeye, Black Widow and Falcon.

2. Find a wall or ledge that can be climbed up.

3. Press the Wall Climb button on the controller. Depending on your console, this could be (Square) on the Playstation or (X) on the Xbox.

4. Use the left analog stick to direct the character up the wall or ledge.

5. When the character is high enough, press the Jump button (X on Playstation, A on Xbox) to jump off the wall, and fly even higher.

6. Repeat the process as needed to reach the desired height.

29. Utilize the Super Hero Target system for quick team action.

The Super Hero Target system in Marvel Super Hero Squad The Infinity Gauntlet allows you to quickly switch between your team of up to four heroes. To use it, press the “R” shoulder button to bring up the Team Select menu. Here you can choose which hero you want to control and which ones you want your AI teammate(s) to control. With each hero assigned to its own button, you can quickly toggle between them with that specific corresponding button. This system allows you to cycle through your team and jump in and out of combat as necessary.

30. Cast powerful spells hidden throughout the levels.

1. Look out for glowing runes on the ground. You’ll likely find them in out-of-the-way areas or by smashing breakable objects.

2. Activate the runes to cast the spell. The player character needs to stay in the center of the runes while they activate.

3. Press X and Square together to activate the spell. This will give your character an added boost of stats and abilities, allowing them to fight more effectively and reach new areas.

4. Recharge your spell. After a certain amount of time, the spell will weaken and eventually run out of energy. To recharge it, you’ll need to activate the same runes again.

31. When the going gets tough, become invincible with Iron Man’s Flight mode.

1. First, select Iron Man from the hero select menu.

2. With Iron Man, press the ‘R’ button to activate the Flight mode.

3. While in Flight mode, you will be invincible for a few seconds.

4. After activating Flight mode, you will be able to fly and shoot powerful blasts at the enemies while avoiding damage.

5. Finally, you can use Iron Man’s special ability to instantly defeat enemies and large obstacles.

32. Utilize the grappling hook to access special areas.

To utilize the grappling hook to access special areas in Marvel Super Hero Squad The Infinity Gauntlet, press the Action Button on a grapple point or grapple ring, whilst standing next to it. Your character will then shoot out a grappling hook, which will then latch onto the hook point or grapple ring. When the grappling hook has successfully latched on, your character will be pulled towards the grapple point, enabling you to access special areas.

33. Investigate caves and other secret places for bonus items.

In the game Marvel Super Heroes, investigating caves and secret places can lead to discovering bonus items and hidden treasures. Here are some general steps to help you navigate these areas and find those valuable rewards:

Identify Potential Locations: Look for hints or clues within the game that suggest the presence of secret caves or hidden places. This could be mentioned in dialogue, through environmental cues, or by completing specific quests or missions.

Gather Tools and Abilities: Some caves may require specific tools or abilities to access them. Pay attention to character upgrades, unlockable skills, or special items that grant you the necessary abilities. For example, characters with enhanced strength might be able to break through barriers, or those with teleportation powers could access hidden areas.

Explore the Surroundings: Once you’ve identified a potential location, thoroughly explore the area. Interact with objects, examine walls, and search for hidden entrances or switches. Keep an eye out for anything that appears out of place, such as cracks in walls, loose rocks, or unlit torches.

Solve Puzzles: Many secret areas are protected by puzzles or challenges that need to be solved. These can include pattern recognition, platforming sequences, or finding and activating specific switches. Pay attention to the environment and any visual or audio cues that may provide clues to solve these puzzles.

Use Character Abilities: Different characters may have unique abilities that can assist in finding secret areas. Experiment with your character’s abilities, such as flying, wall-crawling, or scanning for hidden objects. These abilities may reveal hidden paths or objects that are crucial to progress.

Utilize Gadgets or Equipment: Certain gadgets or equipment can help reveal hidden objects or paths. For example, a character with a grappling hook can use it to reach higher platforms or swing across gaps. Make sure to use any available tools to your advantage.

Pay Attention to Audio Cues: Sometimes, secret areas can be identified by audio cues like the sound of rushing water, distant voices, or a hidden mechanism. Be attentive to such sounds, as they may lead you to secret passages or triggers that reveal hidden areas.

Persistence and Exploration: Investigating caves and secret places often requires patience and a willingness to explore thoroughly. Don’t be afraid to try different approaches, backtrack, or revisit areas with new abilities or information. Some secret areas may only become accessible after progressing further in the game or completing specific quests.

34. Employ combined team attacks and special, powerful moves.

Combined team attacks and special, powerful moves are very important for succeeding in Marvel Super Hero Squad The Infinity Gauntlet. In order to employ combined team attacks, you need to select two heroes at a time from your squad and coordinate their attacks. The heroes can either use ranged or close-combat attacks to perform a combined attack. When both heroes are attacking the enemy with powerful moves, the enemy will lose more health than a singular attack. Special, powerful attacks are individual moves that the characters can use. Each hero will have several signature moves that can cause massive damage to enemies. To perform a special, powerful move, the player must successfully perform a series of button presses indicated on the screen.

35. Unleash the unique powers of each character as needed.

Unleashing a character’s unique powers is easy. Simply select the character and then press the ‘A’ or ‘X’ (depending on your controller) button. This will bring up a menu of special abilities, each corresponding to a colored icon. Select the ability you wish to use to take advantage of your character’s specific power. Some of these unique powers require the use of a certain amount of energy, as indicated by the colored bars above the power. Each character has a variety of special abilities, so try different combinations and use them to your advantage in battle!

36. Double-team enemies for faster success.

1. First, you need to find an enemy that is weak enough for two of your heroes to take down together. Look out for Bosses and Mini-bosses that may have a single weak point like a weak armor plating.

2. Activate your heroes’ double-team ability. To use Double-Team, click on the “Attack and Move” icon while two of your heroes are in the same area.

3. Your two heroes will then work together to attack the enemy. Each combatant’s attack is stronger when they’re using Double-Team. This makes it possible to defeat enemies more quickly and also helps conserve your heroes’ health.

4. Once the enemy is defeated, the two heroes will return to their original positions to regroup.

37. Use appropriate character moves for the surrounding environment.

To use character moves appropriate for the environment in Marvel Super Hero Squadron The Infinity Gauntlet, you need to pay attention to your surroundings. Each character has a limited number of moves they can make in each environment, so it’s important to be strategic about which moves to use and when. For example, if you’re playing as the Hulk, it is more effective to use a ground pound attack when surrounded by blocks, as this will allow you to break them and open up new routes. Similarly, Iron Man’s repulsor blasts are great for taking out flying enemies more efficiently than melee attacks. Paying attention to your environment and utilizing the appropriate character moves for each situation will make the game much easier to play.

38. Master the basics of each character to become a formidable force.

1. Get familiar with each character’s abilities and moves. Most characters in Marvel Super Hero Squad The Infinity Gauntlet have a special move, power, and combo that can be utilized during battle.

2. Practice using each character in different game modes. Play a few matches in Arcade Mode, Mission Mode, and Online Mode to become more accustomed to each character’s gameplay.

3. Make sure you understand how each character’s special moves work. Learn what situations the special move is useful in and how it can be used to your advantage in a fight.

4. Experiment with your combos and strategies. Try different combinations of buttons to see what kind of combos they create. Also experiment with how you approach each enemy, as some enemies have weaknesses that can be exploited by certain characters.

5. Utilize environment objects and other characters. Objects and characters in the environment can be utilized by certain characters to increase their offensive or defensive capabilities.

By mastering each character’s abilities and special moves and understanding how to utilize them in certain situations against enemies, you can become a formidable force in Marvel Super Hero Squad The Infinity Gauntlet.

39. Combining the powers of multiple heroes can be lethal.

Combining the powers of multiple heroes in Marvel Super Hero Squad The Infinity Gauntlet can be lethal. To do this, you must select the ‘Tactic’ button, which will open up a new battle window. You’ll be able to select up to four heroes to fight with at once. When selecting an attack to launch, you can combine the powers of all the heroes together to create a powerful combo attack. When this happens, the combined power of multiple heroes can result in a massive attack that can quickly eliminate enemies in one hit. Be careful though, as the more powerful the combined attack, the greater the risk of taking damage from the enemy.

40. Utilize basic fighting techniques for combos and surprise attacks.

Utilizing basic fighting techniques for combos and surprise attacks in Marvel Super Hero Squad The Infinity Gauntlet can be a great way to level up your characters and conquer your enemies. To get started, you should first become familiar with your characters’ attacks, special abilities, and combos. Once you’ve mastered each character’s attacks, try using basic fighting techniques, such as blocking, dashing, and parrying, in order to effectively combo together moves. For example, a basic combo might involve blocking an attack, dashing toward your opponent and executing a basic attack, and then finishing off with a special move. You can also use surprise attacks to catch your enemy off guard, such as using a special move as your opponent dashes in or using a new combo you’ve constructed in the heat of battle. Experiment with different techniques to find out what works best for you!

41. Become a master of special attacks with the help of the Infinity Stones.

First, you need to collect all of the Infinity Stones. Once you have collected all of the stones, you must combine them to form the Infinity Gauntlet. When you have the Gauntlet in your possession, you can use it to access powerful special attacks and abilities. To unleash each special attack, you must use the same button combinations that you use when using regular attacks. However, by combining two or more of the Infinity Stones, you can unlock more powerful attacks. Additionally, you can use the Infinity Gauntlet to increase the power of each attack. Once you have mastered these combination attacks, you will become a master of special attacks with the help of the Infinity Stones.

42. Study level layouts for strategic advantages.

1. Review the map of the level before you start a level. Pay close attention to the environment, opponents, and obstacles that will be encountered.

2. Look for areas where you can ambush opponents and take cover from enemy attacks.

3. Identify power-ups or special items that can be used during the level and take note of them.

4. Look for secrets that can give you an advantage such as shortcuts or additional resources.

5. Analyze the layout and determine which routes offer the greatest strategic advantage.

6. Decide on the best route to take through the level and plan your strategies accordingly.

43. Memorize enemy movements and attacks for better timing.

44. Search out power-ups to increase a character’s abilities.

1. Go to the Exploration Room by selecting it from the main menu.

2. Select your character and pick the Power-Ups option.

3. Choose the type of power-ups you want to hunt out. There are four categories – Health, Attack, Defense, and Flavor items.

4. Choose the level you would like to explore, as all levels contain hidden power-ups spread throughout the level.

5. As you play the level, find the power-ups hidden in walls, floors, ceilings, drawers and other nooks and crannies.

6. Collect them to increase your character’s abilities.

45. Enhance your speed with The Fantastic Four’s Zoom-In Kick.

1. Activate your Fantastic Four inventory on the character select screen.

2. Press and hold R1 to trigger the Zoom-In Kick power.

3. Use the left thumb stick to target an opponent.

4. While still holding R1, press Square to unleash a rapid kick.

5. With each successful hit, your speed increases as represented by the special meter icon.

6. When the speed icon is full, press Triangle to zoom in and execute a powerful special move.

7. Repeat the process to maintain your speed boost.

46. Utilize flight loops to launch surprise aerial attacks.

Flight loops are a great way to surprise your opponents and launch aerial attacks in Marvel Super Hero Squad The Infinity Gauntlet. To do this, first, select the hero you would like to fly in the field. Then, fly up in the air and press the “Circle” button. This will cause your hero to do a Flat 360° spin in the air. While spinning, the hero will be able to launch powerful aerial attacks. You can combine flight loops with other aerial attacks to deliver a powerful, unexpected attack to your opponent.

47. Execute combos and special moves to maximum effect.

Combos and special moves in Marvel Super Hero Squad The Infinity Gauntlet can be executed to maximum effect by combining the individual attacks of each hero. To do so, you must learn the individual moves of each hero by pressing the attack buttons, and deciding which combination is the most effective for dealing the most amount of damage against your opponents. Additionally, the combination of two or more heroes can create powerful combos and special moves. To execute these, simply press the attack button of the character that initiates the combo, then the attack button of the hero that follows in the combo sequence. Special moves are a bit more technical in that they require a number of rapid button presses and precise timing — practice makes perfect in this case.

48. Collect special data cubes for bonus items.

1. Collect Unique Achievements: You can collect unique achievements by completing certain challenges. Some of the achievements will reward you with data cubes. You can see which achievements grant you cubes by looking at the list of Achievements on the Game Menu.

2. Defeat Enemies or Bosses: Many enemies and bosses in the game will drop special data cubes when defeated. Pay attention to your surroundings, and if you find a large enemy or boss, make sure to take him or her out to get the cube.

3. Find Hidden Areas: Look for hidden rooms and secret pathways while exploring each level. Inside these hidden areas, you might find a data cube.

4. Collect Gratarpoints: Collecting Gratar Points is another way to get data cubes. Gratar Points are earned by completing certain objectives in the game. Check the Gratarpoint screen in the game menu to see which objectives will reward you with cubes.

5. Replay Levels: Many levels have data cubes hidden inside of them. To make sure you always get the cubes, it helps to replay levels multiple times. Be thorough while exploring each level to find any missed cubes.

49. Utilize the meteor move to make your way through tough levels.

The Meteor move is a special attack that your character can use in Marvel Super Hero Squad The Infinity Gauntlet. It can be used when your character has collected enough energy from defeated enemies. When activated, the Meteor move will cause a meteor to fall from the sky, destroying all on-screen enemies and obstacles. The meteor also has a tremendous amount of force, allowing it to take out destructible walls and other objects.

To use the Meteor move, you must charge up a special meter by obtaining energy from defeated enemies. Once the meter is full, press the attack button to activate the meteor move. Your character will then leap up into the air and summon a huge meteor from the sky, dealing a massive amount of damage and clearing the screen of all obstacles and enemies. This move is invaluable in tough levels, as the Meteor can quickly clear large sections at a time, quickly making your way through the level.

50. Fly up walls and ceilings with the agility of Spiderman.

In order to fly up walls and ceilings with the agility of Spiderman, you will need to use a combination of the “Jump” and “Webswing” abilities.

To begin, you will need to use the “Jump” ability to propel yourself towards the wall or ceiling. Once you are close enough, quickly press the “Webswing” button to latch onto the surface. Once you have grabbed onto the wall, you can then use successive taps of the “Jump” button to propel yourself up the wall or ceiling.

Repeat this process until you have reached your desired height.

51. Employ the special attacks of Black Panther and Wolverine.

Black Panther

1. Press ‘A’ on the Wii Remote to make Black Panther perform his Pouncing Strike attack. This attack is a combo of three consecutive jumps and strikes that can hit multiple opponents.

2. Press ‘B’ on the Wii Remote to make Black Panther perform the Quick Claw attack. This move is a powerful swipe across multiple targets.


1. Press ‘A’ on the Wii Remote to make Wolverine perform his Retractable Claws attack. This is a powerful claw surge that hits multiple targets in a short period of time.

2. Press ‘B’ on the Wii Remote to make Wolverine perform his Berserker Claw attack. This move is a vicious claw swipe that will devastate enemies who are nearby.

52. Activate Epic Fusions for maximum damage.

Epic Fusions can be activated in Marvel Super Hero Squad The Infinity Gauntlet to give characters extra damage during combat. To activate an Epic Fusion, you must first fill up the character’s Team-Up meter by attacking enemies and defeating them. Once the meter is completely filled, the Fusion will be activated and will last for a limited amount of time. During this time, any attack made by the character will be significantly more powerful, allowing them to do more damage to their enemies. To maximize the damage done, activate an Epic Fusion just before attacking a group of enemies to take them out in one hit.

53. Collect Golden Stars to unlock special moves.

1. Complete different levels by using a different array of playable characters.

2. Look for the Golden Stars hidden away in various spots or in the environment.

3. Collect the Golden Stars by walking up and touching them.

4. After collecting all the Golden Stars in a stage, a special move will be unlocked.

5. To use the previously unlocked moves, press the corresponding button on the controller.

54. Read abilities and stats to choose the most effective character.

1. Check each character’s stats. Look for strength, health, speed, defense rating, and any passive abilities or bonuses.

2. Read through each character’s unique abilities. Usually, each hero or villain will have active abilities that can be used to damage enemies or provide buffs to your allies. Look for abilities that have potential to do massive damage or abilities that can be used to strategically control the battlefield.

3. Compare each character’s stats and abilities. Pick the character that has the best combo of stats and abilities to fit your play style and the demands of the level.

4. Experiment with different characters in each level to find the most effective character. Be sure to pay attention to how each character performs in each level to get a better sense of which character is the most effective for that specific mission.

55. Put environmental traps to good use.

Environmental traps can be put to good use by finding them in levels and using them to your advantage. Traps can be triggered by landing on certain floor panels or by throwing an enemy into them. Once triggered, these traps can be used to take out multiple enemies at once or to create an obstacle for them to avoid. The most common environmental traps are fire pits, saw blades, spikes, and crushing blocks. Be on the lookout for these traps and use them whenever they are available to give your opponents a disadvantage.

56. Use interactive objects such as switches and levers.

Interactive objects such as switches and levers are used to help progress through levels or activate objects that may be otherwise inaccessible. To use a switch or lever, move your character to the object and press the action button (usually the R1 trigger on PlayStation 3) to interact. Depending on the type of switch or lever, it may open a door, activate a bridge, or cause a platform to rise up from the ground. You can also use switch-activated laser beams to block enemies or open up a secret path.

57. Use the environmental features of each level to your advantage.

• Use high ground (such as a roof or a ledge) for increased range when attacking enemies.

• Utilize surrounding objects (such as vehicles or metal beams) to block incoming attacks or provide extra cover during fights.

• Exploit enemies’ weaknesses by standing behind objects that have a specific element type (such as fire or ice) and using attacks that are strong against it.

• Use the environment to launch combos, such as attacking an enemy off of a ledge or wall for extra damage.

• Throw objects at enemies to stun them and create openings for yourself or your team.

• Look for switches or other devices in the environment that can activate traps or open up new areas.

• Search for secrets and hidden items in every level to boost your chances of success.

58. Master the art of juggling enemies to maximize damage.

1. Start by encouraging your enemies to group a little closer together. This will make it easier for you to keep track of and juggle multiple foes.

2. Begin by attacking the enemy who is furthest away from the group. Doing so will maximize the time your team has to target and attack other foes.

3. When multiple enemies are close together, use special abilities to knock them back and cause minimal damage.

4. As you eliminate an enemy, switch your focus to the next one. By doing this, you will ensure that all of your attacks are resulting in maximum damage and that no enemy gets away unscathed.

5. Keep repeating this process until all of the enemies have been eliminated. This approach will help you maintain control of the battlefield and maximize damage.

59. Stay close to the ground to take cover from attacks.

Observe Enemy Attacks: Pay attention to the patterns and behavior of enemy attacks. Understand the types of attacks they use and their range. This knowledge will help you determine when to take cover and which areas provide the most effective protection.

Identify Cover Objects: Look for objects or structures in the game environment that can act as cover. These can include walls, pillars, crates, or any other objects that can provide a physical barrier between your character and incoming attacks.

Move Strategically: When engaging in combat, move strategically to position yourself near cover objects. This allows you to quickly take cover when needed. Stay aware of your surroundings and plan your movements accordingly to always have access to nearby cover.

Utilize Dodge and Roll: In addition to taking cover, master the dodge and roll mechanics of the game. Dodge or roll to evade incoming attacks and quickly reposition yourself behind cover objects. This dynamic movement can help you avoid damage while seeking protection.

Peek and Shoot: If the cover object allows for it, you can peek out from behind cover to attack enemies while minimizing your exposure. This technique lets you maintain defensive positioning while still being able to retaliate.

Use Abilities and Powers: Some characters may have abilities or powers that provide defensive benefits. Explore your character’s abilities and see if any can enhance your defensive capabilities, such as temporary shields or protective barriers. Activate these abilities strategically to supplement your cover usage.

Coordinate with Allies: If playing with AI-controlled allies or in multiplayer mode, communicate and coordinate with them. Work together to provide cover for each other and create a synergy that maximizes your defensive strategies.

Prioritize Targets: Assess the threat level of different enemies and prioritize your targets. Focus on enemies that pose the most immediate danger or have powerful attacks. By eliminating or neutralizing them first, you reduce the number of incoming attacks and mitigate the need for excessive cover.

60. Catch enemies off-guard with quick dodges and jumps.

To Catch enemies off-guard with quick dodges and jumps, you will need to press and hold the left trigger while pressing the A button to make the quick dodges and jumps. For the jump, press the X button while pressing the left trigger. This will cause your character to quickly dodge and jump from side to side, helping you avoid your enemies while you plan your next move. Doing this move effectively will surprise your enemies as they will not be expecting the quick movements and will be caught off-guard, giving you a chance to strike.

61. Employ rapid combos to take down bigger enemies.

Rapid combos can be used to take down bigger enemies in Marvel Super Hero Squad The Infinity Gauntlet. To do this, the player must first select their team of heroes and assemble them into a formation. It is best to arrange the team so that the characters with ranged attacks are at the back and the melee fighters at the front.

Once the formation has been set up, the player must then use a combination of light and heavy attacks. A light attack is a quick string of attacks that are executed quickly while heavy attacks involve more powerful attacks. As the player executes these attacks, their team will build up combo points. Once enough points are gained, the player can unleash powerful combo attacks that will cause huge amounts of damage to the bigger enemies. This is an effective way to take down larger foes quickly and efficiently.

62. Utilize aerial dodges and jumps to confuse the enemy.

Aerial dodges and jumps are powerful moves that can be used to confuse and disorient the enemy. To use these tactics, the player should move quickly and jump and dodge from the air in order to avoid enemy attacks and give them time to counter. Make sure to mix up the direction of the jumps and dodges to keep the enemy guessing. In addition, the player should keep the enemy guessing by using the aerial attack feature as often as possible. This can be achieved by quickly jumping and attacking the enemy in the air just as they are about to land. By utilizing aerial dodges and jumps, the enemy will not know which way the player is going to move and will have difficulty targeting them.

63. Use super power options to gain numerical advantages.

Using super power options to gain numerical advantages in Marvel Super Hero Squad The Infinity Gauntlet revolves around collecting Power Tokens and using them to activate Super Powers. Super Powers are obtained by completing and unlocking Challenge Cards or purchased from the Super Power Store. Power Tokens can be gained from defeating enemies, completing levels, or by collecting cards found throughout the levels.

When Power Tokens are first activated, they will fuel the meter which corresponds to your particular Super Power. As your Power Token meter increases, the Super Power will increase in power, allowing you to use them against stronger enemies and bosses. When activated, Super Powers can allow you to inflict more damage, increase your defenses, or even help defeat certain enemies you would not be able to defeat without it. This can give you a numerical advantage over more difficult bosses or enemies. With the right Super Power activated, you can even become invincible for a short period of time, allowing you to dish out more damage and gain an advantage in the battle.

64. Keep your finger on the jump button to increase agility.

In order to increase your agility, you should keep your finger on the jump button. Holding the jump button down will make your character jump a few times in quick succession. This combination of short jumps is known as a “dash” and can be used to quickly traverse the environment while dodging dangers. It can also be used to leap over larger obstacles in the environment. Make sure to practice this technique so that you can use it whenever needed to get ahead of your opponents.

65. Unleash a barrage of powerful attacks with The Thing.

To unleash a barrage of powerful attacks with The Thing, press the Attack button (Square/X/Y/F) to start punching. You can add variety to The Thing’s attacks by doing different combinations of the Attack and Special buttons (Triangle/B/A/G). Additionally, press and hold the Special button (Triangle/B/A/G) to let The Thing unleash an Earth-shattering ground pound.

66. At the right time, activate an Epic Fusion with Iron Man and Thor.

To activate an Epic Fusion with Iron Man and Thor in Marvel Super Hero Squad The Infinity Gauntlet, press the fusion button between the two heroes at the right moment during the fight. When the fusion icon appears between them, hit the right analog stick (or press the fusion button depending on the console) to initiate the fusion. The two heroes will combine to create a more powerful hero for a limited amount of time.

67. Become an expert at using the flying kick move.

1. Practice performing the move. The Flying Kick move is performed by pressing the B Button pressed twice and then the A Button.

2. Learn the best situations to use the move. The Flying Kick is best used against airborne enemies, or when your opponent is off-guard. When attempting this move, make sure you stay close to the edge of the arena, as this will increase your chances of catching your opponents off-guard.

3. Get familiar with the timing of the move. You must press the B Button twice in quick succession and then the A Button in order to execute the Flying Kick. You must also time it correctly in order to be successful; if you press the buttons too early or too late, your character will not perform the move.

4. Learn from watching advanced players. Watch someone who is more experienced at using the Flying Kick, and try to see what makes them successful at the move. Once you have taken note of their techniques and perfected your own timing, you will become an expert at using the Flying Kick.

68. Put your reflexes to the test by becoming a master block-breaker.

Block-breaker is a mini-game available in Marvel Super Hero Squad The Infinity Gauntlet. In this mini-game, you use a paddle to block balls fired by Ultron and the Infinity Stones from entering the goal and causing damage.

To become a master block-breaker, you need to have quick reflexes and a steady hand. Here are the steps:

1. When the mini-game starts, use the left analog stick or the D-pad to move the paddle left and right.

2. As the balls are fired by Ultron and the Infinity Stones, use the paddle to block them from entering the goal.

3. Block as many balls as you can to increase your score.

4. Try to anticipate where the ball is going and move your paddle to the correct spot before the ball reaches it.

5. When a power-up appears on the screen, quickly grab it to activate its special effect.

6. Try to stay focused and keep an eye on the score.

7. If you manage to keep all the balls from entering the goal, you become a master block-breaker!

69. Dynamically switch characters to gain tactical advantages.

To dynamically switch characters to gain tactical advantages in Marvel Super Hero Squad The Infinity Gauntlet, the player must use the Power Selector that appears in the pause menu. This allows the player to choose which character they want to become. It is important to remember that each character has unique abilities and strengths that can be used to take on the different challenges that appear in the game. For example, Hulk has increased attack power and Iron Man has flight capabilities. By switching characters, a player can utilize the abilities of each character to their advantage and gain a tactical advantage.

70. Deploy your heroes to cover each area effectively.

Understand Hero Abilities: Familiarize yourself with the unique abilities and powers of each hero in your squad. Each hero has different strengths and skills that can be useful in specific situations. Consider their offensive and defensive capabilities when deploying them to cover areas effectively.

Assess the Area: Before deploying your heroes, assess the layout of the area and identify potential threats or objectives. Determine the number of entry points, strategic locations, and any specific challenges you may face. This analysis will help you plan your deployment strategy.

Divide and Conquer: Divide the area into sections based on its size and complexity. Assign one or more heroes to cover each section. By distributing your heroes effectively, you can maintain control and respond to threats in multiple areas simultaneously.

Match Hero Abilities to Tasks: Assign heroes with appropriate abilities to areas that complement their skills. For example, heroes with long-range attacks can cover open spaces or snipe enemies from a distance, while heroes with close-combat skills can handle tight quarters or engage enemies up close.

Coordinate Hero Combos: Some heroes may have special combo attacks or synergistic abilities when paired with specific teammates. Coordinate your heroes’ deployment to take advantage of these combos. This can result in more efficient enemy takedowns and better area coverage.

Support Roles: Consider assigning heroes with support abilities to areas where they can provide assistance to other heroes. Support heroes may have healing powers, crowd control abilities, or defensive buffs that can enhance the overall effectiveness of your squad.

Communication and Coordination: If playing with AI-controlled teammates or in multiplayer mode, communicate with your allies to ensure effective deployment. Coordinate your actions, share information about enemy positions or objectives, and support each other’s efforts.

Adapt to Changing Situations: Remain flexible and adaptable in your deployment strategy. As the situation evolves, you may need to reassign heroes to different areas or respond to unexpected threats. Be prepared to adjust your deployment plans accordingly to maintain effective coverage.

Utilize Reserves: If you have additional heroes available in your squad, keep some of them in reserve. This allows you to rotate heroes in and out of combat as needed, giving them time to rest and recover while others take their place.

71. Play defensively and wait for the best timing for an attack.

1. When you encounter enemy forces, be sure to stay in a defensive position, keeping distance between you and your opponents.

2. Look for opportunities to block your opponents’ attacks, using your characters’ abilities to counter or absorb them.

3. Use the surrounding environment to create cover for yourself and allies.

4. Time your attacks carefully. Try to anticipate what your opponent will do, and wait for the best moment to move in for a powerful counterattack.

5. Focus on your team. Keep an eye on your allies and make sure they are not left vulnerable.

6. If the situation calls for it, use your Super Moves and other powerful attacks to turn the tide of battle.

72. Submit even the largest of enemies with the help of friends.

1. Choose wisely who you want to join forces with. Create a team of heroes who have a good combination of superpowers and abilities.

2. Coordinate with your team to make sure everyone knows how each superhero can contribute to the success of the mission.

3. Utilize each of your team’s strengths. Encourage different heroes to play to their strengths and support one another.

4. Keep your team focused. Use any distractions as motivation to stay on mission.

5. Strategize. Come up with a plan to take down your enemies. Make sure to account for weaknesses and strengths of both yours and your enemy’s teams.

6. Attack as a team. Work together to take down each enemy one at a time.

7. Use combinations of your team’s powers to break down the enemy’s defenses.

8. Don’t be afraid to use special abilities, such as ultimate powers, to gain an edge.

9. Keep up the pressure. Remind your team that the only way to win is to keep going until the job is done.

73. Take special care against bosses, as they have unique attacks.

When fighting bosses in Marvel Super Hero Squad The Infinity Gauntlet, it is important to pay attention to boss patterns and attack types. Bosses often have unique attacks that are more powerful than regular enemies. Therefore, it is important to observe the attack pattern before engaging the boss. For example, if the boss is using ranged attacks, make sure your characters are spread out to reduce the effectiveness of its attack. For melee-based bosses, try to use blocking and special evasive maneuvers to dodge their attacks. Additionally, make sure all characters are at full health when engaging the boss and use any buffs, such as shield and health bonuses, to increase your odds of success. Finally, make sure to use all available abilities or special attacks to maximize potential damage output against the boss.

74. Employ surprise attacks against unsuspecting enemies.

To employ surprise attacks against enemies in Marvel Super Hero Squad The Infinity Gauntlet, you must rapidly press the square button to perform an airborne attack on enemies. This will surprise your enemies and give you an advantage if they are not expecting it. You can also use power-ups during the fight to combo attacks and perform a surprise attack. These power-ups can either be found as pickups in the world or purchased from the store. Finally, you can utilize special moves such as the Iron Man Unibeam or Silver Surfer Nova Blast to do unexpected, devastating attacks to unsuspecting enemies.

75. Utilize classic Marvel moves for maximum effect.

1. Utilize your character’s unique abilities. Each character has particular attacks and abilities that can be exploited for maximum effect. For example, the Hulk can deal more damage when he charges, while the Human Torch can shoot fireballs from a distance. Be sure to familiarize yourself with each character’s abilities and use them to your advantage.

2. Exploit your environment and attacks. Take advantage of objects in the room such as exploding barrels or walls to your advantage by making them your weapon. Also, most characters have special attacks that can be triggered when they are low on health, so take advantage of these to turn the tide of battle.

3. Perform combos. Each character has a range of combo attacks that can deal a lot of damage if used correctly. Experiment with different combinations of attacks to find out which works best for you.

4. Utilize items. Use items scattered throughout levels to gain an edge in battle. These items include power-me-up items that can replenish health or increase attack strength, Ominous Cards that can be used to activate special attacks, and Super Items that can give you a temporary boost in power. Knowing when and how to use these items is essential for victory.

76. Make full use of the Infinity Stones’ powers.

1. Collect and equip all six Infinity Stones – Collect the six Infinity Stones by playing through the game’s Story Mode, as well as playing through certain side missions. Once you have all the stones, you’ll be able to combine their powers to become more powerful.

2. Activate the “Infinity Surge” mode – In order to use the full power of the Infinity Stones, activate the “Infinity Surge” mode by pressing the Y button when playing. This mode gives your character extra powers, such as increased Damage, Health, and Duration.

3. Use combos and special abilities – While in the Infinity Surge mode, make full use of the special attacks and combos that the game provides. Each Infinity Stone also adds a special effect to your attack, so learn to combine these special abilities to maximize their power.

4. Use your Ultimate Attack – Once you’ve used all the other attacks and abilities, you should be able to unleash your Ultimate Attack, which can be done by pressing the B button. This attack uses all of the Infinity Stones’ combined power to unleash a devastating attack that can take out many enemies in a single blow.

77. Plan an effective attack strategy for each level.

1. Before beginning any battle, make sure that the team is utilizing all of their character powers. Every hero has unique powers and abilities that can be used to great advantage in battle. Try to pair up different characters to get the most out of their combo moves.

2. As you enter each battle, take a look at the enemy characters and identify the toughest opponents. These contain the most potential threats to your team. These are the characters that should be the first priority targets for your team.

3. Utilize each of the battlefields to the best of your team’s advantage. During battles, pay attention to the layout of the environment and use it to your advantage. If there are objects that can be thrown, places to hide or areas to attack from, use them strategically.

4. Focus on taking down the enemy’s health bar. Whenever possible, aim each attack to weaken the enemy’s health bar instead of breaking their defenses. This will help to speed up the rate at which the enemies can be defeated.

5. Make sure to use your ultimate attacks when the situation calls for it. These powerful attacks can be used to quickly deplete health, deal massive damage to a single enemy, or turn the tide of the battle in a matter of seconds.

6. Utilize healing items if necessary. Although it is always wise to conserve your resources like healing items in each level, there are times when they can be of great help in order to continue the fight.

78. Combine characters to activate Super Hero Transformations.

Combining characters to activate Super Hero Transformations in Marvel Super Hero Squad The Infinity Gauntlet is simple. First, pick two existing characters that you would like to combine. Then put the two characters next to each other in the Infinity Gauntlet. Finally, press the “Combine” button on the screen to activate the transformation. Once the transformation is complete, you will now have a brand new Super Hero that has the combined powers from the two original characters!

79. Make use of the ground by running and jumping.

Speed and Momentum: Running allows your character to move quickly across the ground. By building up speed, you can cover larger distances in a shorter amount of time. This can be particularly useful when trying to reach distant locations or when you need to move swiftly to avoid hazards or enemies.

Acrobatic Maneuvers: Jumping enables your character to perform acrobatic moves, allowing you to navigate obstacles and access higher platforms. Mastering the timing and precision of your jumps is crucial for reaching areas that are otherwise inaccessible. Experiment with different jumping techniques, such as short hops or long jumps, to overcome various challenges.

Platforming: Marvel Super Heroes often includes platforming segments, where you need to navigate a series of platforms or obstacles. Running and jumping are essential for successfully traversing these sections. Pay attention to the timing and distance of your jumps, as well as any moving platforms or hazards that may be present.

Collectibles and Secrets: Keep an eye out for collectibles and hidden secrets scattered throughout the game world. Running and jumping can help you reach these hidden areas or obtain items that are placed in elevated or hard-to-reach locations. Use your character’s agility to explore every nook and cranny of the game world.

Combat Maneuvers: Running and jumping can also be utilized during combat situations. By running, you can quickly close the gap between you and your opponents, allowing for melee attacks or special moves. Additionally, jumping can provide a means to evade enemy attacks or to gain a tactical advantage by attacking from above.

Combine Actions: Experiment with combining running, jumping, and other character abilities to enhance your movement and combat strategies. For example, some characters may have special aerial attacks or the ability to double jump, providing even more mobility options. Discovering these combinations can make your character more versatile and powerful.

Practice and Timing: Making the most of running and jumping requires practice and timing. Spend time getting familiar with your character’s movement capabilities, such as their running speed and jump height. Understand how different terrains or environments may affect your movement and adjust accordingly.

80. Double-team multiple enemies at once.

To double-team multiple enemies at once in Marvel Super Hero Squad The Infinity Gauntlet, you will need two players, each playing as a different character. One character should be the attacker and the other the supporter. The attacker should engage an enemy while the supporter stands behind the attacker and activates one of their partner moves. This will cause both characters to attack the enemy at the same time. The attacker should continue attacking while the supporter moves from enemy to enemy and activates their partner move whenever possible. This will allow both characters to continuously attack multiple enemies simultaneously.

81. Use quick jumps to reach unreachable places.

To use quick jumps to reach unreachable places in Marvel Super Hero Squad The Infinity Gauntlet, players must press A to initiate a quick jump followed by pressing the direction of the desired jump with the left joystick on the Xbox controller. Holding down the A button will cause the character to travel longer distances. Additionally, the right trigger can be used to help guide the direction of the character’s jump when it is pressed during the initial A button execution. Repeatedly using quick jumps can also help players reach greater heights or traverse across larger gaps.

82. Utilize terrain features, like walls and cliffs, to your advantage.

Utilizing terrain features is a key part of success in Marvel Super Hero Squad The Infinity Gauntlet. When fighting enemies on terrain with cliffs or walls, you can use them to your advantage by taking cover from enemy fire or attacking enemies from above. By luring enemies to the edge of a cliff, they may fall off and take damage, giving your heroes an upper hand. Similarly, walls can be used to take cover from enemy fire, or to corner enemies in order to attack them more easily. When encountering a powerful enemy, using the environment to your advantage can be the key to victory!

83. Summon robots with the special codes found in each level.

To summon robots with the special codes found in each level, you must first locate all the Infinity Stones hidden in the level. Once all the Infinity Stones have been collected, they must be used together at the Marvel Database to unlock the Infinity Gauntlet. Once the Gauntlet is unlocked, enter the corresponding special code in the Database to summon the robot. Some robots may require two or more codes in order to summon them.

84. Make use of vehicles, buildings, and items as weapons.


Locate Vehicles: Keep an eye out for vehicles scattered throughout the game world. They can often be found parked or placed in specific areas.

Approach Vehicles: Get close to a vehicle and interact with it by pressing the appropriate button indicated on the screen.

Control Vehicles: Once you have accessed a vehicle, you will typically gain control over it. Follow the on-screen instructions to steer, accelerate, and use any equipped weapons the vehicle may have.

Attack Enemies: Use the vehicle’s weapons to attack enemies or obstacles in your path. This can range from shooting projectiles to ramming into enemies.

Destroy Obstacles: Some areas may have obstacles that can only be destroyed by using a vehicle. Identify these barriers and use the appropriate vehicle or weapon to break through them.


Environmental Interaction: Pay attention to buildings and structures within the game world. These can be interacted with to provide various benefits.

Destruction and Collapse: Some buildings may be destructible. Use character abilities or special attacks to damage or destroy them. This can create new paths or reveal hidden areas.

Platforming Opportunities: Buildings can serve as platforms for jumping and climbing. Utilize these structures to reach higher areas or access hidden collectibles.

Object Interaction: Some buildings may have specific objects or mechanisms that can be interacted with. These interactions can trigger events or open up new gameplay opportunities. Be observant and try interacting with different objects in the environment.

Items as Weapons:

Environmental Objects: Look for objects scattered throughout the game world that can be used as weapons. These could include barrels, crates, or other items that can be picked up and thrown.

Grab and Throw: Approach an object and interact with it to pick it up. Once you have it in your character’s grasp, you can throw it at enemies or use it to break obstacles.

Object Abilities: Some items may have special abilities or effects when used as weapons. For example, explosive barrels can cause area damage, or energy containers can provide temporary power-ups.

Experimentation: Try using different objects as weapons and observe the results. Some objects may have unique interactions or combinations that can be discovered through experimentation.

85. Turn even the toughest of enemies into an ally with special codes.

To turn even the toughest of enemies into an ally with special codes in Marvel Super Hero Squad The Infinity Gauntlet, you must enter in a special code in the game’s main menu. In the main menu, select the “Options” option and then select the “Friendly Codes” option. Here, you will be able to enter a special code that will turn a specific enemy in the game into an ally. To obtain these special codes, you must use certain cheat code websites or magazines, as they are not available to the public.

86. Analyze bosses’ moves and counter them accordingly.

1. Study the Boss – Before engaging in battle, take some time to study the boss and their attack patterns. Pay attention to the way they move, the specific abilities they use, and the ways in which they use them. This will help you understand their behavior and help you predict their next move.

2. Familiarize Yourself with Attacks – Familiarize yourself with the enemy’s movements and attacks. As you observe and monitor the boss, identify any strong attacks that could be used against you.

3. Defend Yourself – When the boss initiates an attack, decide how to counter it. You may want to use a shield or medal to defend yourself, or you could evasively dodge out of the way. Pay attention to the enemy’s timing and use this information to make the most out of your defensive measures.

4. Counter-attack – Once you have successfully defended yourself, you can then begin your own offensive maneuvers. Try to focus on attacking the boss’ weak points, such as their weapons or their ability cooldowns, to ensure maximum damage.

5. Re-evaluate – It’s important to evaluate your performance after every battle. Look back on what you did and analyze how effective your strategies were. Then, make adjustments and try different strategies to find out what is most effective.

87. Change characters quickly for optimal team formation.

1. Press the “Start” button while in the game.

2. Select “Team” from the menu and press A (or X for PS3) to select the team.

3. Press the “L & R” buttons to scroll through the characters.

4. Select a character by pressing “A” (or X for PS3) to add them to your team.

5. Repeat the process to add more characters to build the optimal team for your current stage.

6. When done selecting, press “A” (or X for PS3) to confirm the team set up.

88. Find hidden traps and weapons to hurt the enemy.

1. Look for breakable objects in each level. Potions, crates, and barrels are common objects that can reveal hidden items. Some objects will contain traps, while others will contain weapons.

2. Keep an eye out for objects that are darker or lighter in color than the surrounding environment. These are usually suspicious and can indicate that there may be a hidden item nearby.

3. Search in areas that don’t appear to be significant. Check near ledges, staircases, corners, or anywhere else that doesn’t look important. There could be something hidden there that you’ve missed.

4. If you’re having trouble finding hidden traps and weapons, try looking in areas that are out of the ordinary. Objects and platforms perched up high and far away from the main platform are usually worth exploring.

5. Finally, watch for enemies who may have special weapons or abilities that could be useful. If an enemy is using an unusually powerful weapon or technique, it may be helpful to find out what it is and how you can use it against them.

89. Make use of the ice and fire elements in combat.

Using the ice and fire elements in combat is easy and effective. The Ice Element can be used to slow down enemies, reduce their attack damage, or even freeze them in place. The Fire Element can be used to burn enemies, set them on fire, or weaken their defense.

To make use of the Ice Element, equip a hero with an Ice Attack. Target an enemy and press X to unleash the attack. This will do damage and slow the enemy down.

Using the Fire Element is even easier. Equip a hero with a Fire Attack and press X to launch the attack at the enemy. The damage is greater than with the Ice Element, but enemies will only be set on fire until the attack’s animation ends.

With both of these elements, combining them can be even more effective. Choose another hero with an attack that works well with the Ice and Fire Elements and press X to use both in tandem. This will cause greater damage to the enemy and also be more effective in crowd control situations.

90. Utilize The Incredible Hulk’s huge hulk-punch.

1. Locate Incredible Hulk on the screen.

2. Move him into the middle of the group of enemies.

3. Press the button indicated for the Hulk’s special move.

4. Aim in a direction towards a group of enemies.

5. Release the button to unleash the “Hulk-Punch” attack.

6. Repeat the steps to continue the attack.

91. Launch surprise attacks from above.

Find Elevated Positions: Look for elevated areas in the game environment such as rooftops, platforms, or ledges. These locations will allow you to position yourself above your enemies and plan your surprise attack.

Use Character Abilities: Depending on your chosen hero, utilize their unique abilities to reach higher ground. Some heroes may have the power to fly, climb walls, or perform acrobatic moves that can help you access elevated positions easily.

Observe Enemy Movement: Before launching your surprise attack, take the time to observe enemy movements and patterns. Identify their positions, patrol routes, and any vulnerable moments they may have. This information will aid in planning your approach.

Plan Your Attack: Once you have assessed the enemy situation, strategize your surprise attack. Determine the best timing, position, and method to strike. Consider using your hero’s long-range attacks or powerful aerial abilities to maximize the impact of your assault.

Stealth Approach: As you position yourself above the enemies, employ a stealthy approach to avoid detection. Move quietly and avoid making unnecessary noise or attracting attention. This will ensure that your attack remains unexpected.

Choose the Right Moment: Wait for the opportune moment to strike. This can be when enemies are clustered together, distracted, or in a vulnerable position. Timing is crucial to maximize the element of surprise and catch your foes off guard.

Execute the Surprise Attack: When the moment is right, unleash your surprise attack from above. Utilize your character’s abilities, special attacks, or powerful moves to deal significant damage to the enemies below. Aim for multiple targets if possible to maximize your impact.

Follow-up and Regroup: After launching your surprise attack, quickly assess the situation. If you’ve eliminated or weakened your enemies, take advantage of the chaos to regroup, reposition, or continue your assault. Alternatively, use the surprise attack as a distraction to accomplish other objectives.

92. Employ aerial attacks to cause maximum damage.

Aerial attacks are an effective way to maximize damage in this game. To utilize aerial attacks, you must first jump and press the triangle button to launch your character into the air. After successfully launching your character into air, press the square button to attack or the circle button for a more powerful special attack. To counter an enemy’s attack while in the air, press the X button to counter their attack. Additionally, for more damage, use your aerial arsenal moves by pressing the R1 button.

93. Trigger surprise attacks using special abilities.

Surprise attacks in Marvel Super Hero Squad The Infinity Gauntlet can be triggered by using a hero’s special abilities. Each hero has a unique set of special abilities that they can use to unleash powerful attacks. To trigger a surprise attack, simply press the associated action button when prompted. This will allow the hero to unleash their special attack, either single or multiple times, depending on the hero. While special attacks will do more damage than normal attacks, they cannot be used infinitely, as they will require a cooldown period before they can be used again.

94. Utilize the long range attacks of The Thing.

The Thing has a variety of long-range attacks which can be used to keep enemies at a distance. The basic long-range attack is The Thing’s signature clobber attack – simply press and hold the Square or X button to charge it up and then release to launch it at an enemy. Additionally, The Thing can use his shield to boomerang an enemy by pressing Triangle or Y. Both of these attacks can be used to keep enemies at bay and keep them from approaching.

95. Time your defensive moves for better protection.

Timing your defensive moves is essential in Marvel Super Hero Squad The Infinity Gauntlet to ensure you have the best protection against enemy attacks.

To time your defensive moves correctly, you must study your opponents’ techniques and attack patterns. Watch how and when they attack, and then anticipate how they will attack.

Once you understand your opponents’ attack patterns, you can then focus your energy on defensive moves that will help protect you at the exact right time. Knowing when to block, dodge, deflect, and counter attack makes all the difference in close combat.

Finally, practice your defensive moves constantly to make sure you have the best timing possible. The more you practice, the better you will become at anticipating and reacting to your opponents’ moves.

96. Upgrade your characters to unlock new abilities.

1. To upgrade and unlock new abilities for your characters in Marvel Super Hero Squad The Infinity Gauntlet, first access the in-game menu. Then, scroll down to the “Upgrades” tab. Once you’re in the Upgrades menu toggle the character you wish to upgrade.

2. Then select the desired upgrade package from the list of available upgrades. You will see how many points it will cost to unlock the upgrades. Use ISO-8 shards to purchase upgrades. You can either purchase a single upgrade or multiple upgrades.

3. After you make your purchase, the upgrades will automatically be applied and your character will be riding with the new abilities.

4. Once you have upgraded your character, you can test their new powers out by participating in missions or battles in the game. Enjoy your new and improved character!

97. Feint an attack and quickly switch to the next character.

To Feint an attack and quickly switch to the next character in Marvel Super Hero Squad The Infinity Gauntlet, the player must begin an attack with their current character, then while the attacker is mid-animation quickly press the Circle or B-button on the controller to switch to the next character. This will cancel the attack of the original character and teleport the selected character in to the fight with the enemy momentarily stunned.

98. Harness the powerful long range magic attacks of Doctor Strange.

Doctor Strange is able to use powerful long-range magic attacks in Marvel Super Hero Squad The Infinity Gauntlet. To harness his abilities, press the Right Trigger to target an enemy and then press X to unleash Strange’s magical bolt. Alternatively, press RT then RT while holding down the Left Trigger to fire an area-of-effect magical energy blast.

To perform combos with Doctor Strange, press the right trigger while holding down the X button and cycle through the list of attacks with the right analog stick. By combining various button inputs, Doctor Strange can string together unique and powerful magical combo attacks.

99. Make use of the battlefield traps for tactical advantages.

Battlefield traps can be used to your tactical advantage by either using them to alter the battlefield’s geography to your benefit, or by using them to surprise your opponent.

To make use of the battlefield traps for tactical advantages, you should position your heroes in areas where their abilities can best counter the enemy team’s approach. You can also use the traps to create blockades in order to slow down the enemy and create an advantage for yourself.

Time your traps to catch a group of opponents at once. If a single hero needs to pass through gates or traps, time your traps in such a way that you can trap the enemy hero in between and deal more damage.

Finally, use traps to your advantage even after they’re on the board. With the right timing and positioning, you can surprise your opponents by duplicating traps in already occupied spaces. Ultimately, using traps in a tactical manner to surprise and outmaneuver your opponents is the key to success.

100. Combine characters’ special abilities for maximum effect.

Combining characters’ special abilities for maximum effect is an essential part of playing Marvel Super Hero Squad The Infinity Gauntlet.

First off, you need to know the strengths and weaknesses of each character. Make sure that you assign specific roles to each team member. Support characters can heal and buff teammates, while offensive characters can deal damage. Make sure to choose characters that have compatible abilities.

For example, a team of Thor, Iron Man, and Deadpool may be a great combination as Thor can lay down field effects and stormy blasts, Iron Man can use repulsor blasts and sensors to explore an area, and Deadpool can use his powerful melee abilities to take down enemies.

Once you have selected the characters, each of the characters’ special abilities can be used in tandem. Iron Man can fly around the area and scout the enemy’s positions, while Thor can use his storms to provide cover for the team. Deadpool can then rush in and annihilate the foe with his melee power.

By understanding the capabilities of each character and combining their abilities, you can easily achieve maximum effect and complete objectives faster and easier in Marvel Super Hero Squad The Infinity Gauntlet.


The Marvel Super Hero Squad: The Infinity Gauntlet video game is a great way to explore the world of Marvel superheroes with super-powered combat, exciting story mode, and limitless potential for customization. With the right tips and tricks, you can unlock your true potential and become a master of this virtual world. From knowing which characters to use to learning the nuances of gameplay, this guide is an essential tool for getting the most out of Marvel Super Hero Squad: The Infinity Gauntlet. With these helpful tips and tricks, you’ll be poised to take on the universe and emerge a true victor.