Mastering Fossil Fighters: Secret Tips and Tricks for Ultimate Success


Mastering Fossil Fighters: Secret Tips and Tricks for Ultimate Success is the ultimate guide to mastering the highly acclaimed Nintendo DS game Fossil Fighters. If you’re a dedicated Fossil Fighters fan and want to become a Fossil Fighters Master, this book is all you need. It covers strategies, tips, and tricks for exploration, battle, and creation. It also reveals secrets of fossil movements and formation locations, and offers easy-to-follow expert advice to help you become the ultimate Fossil Fighter! Become the champion fossil fighter you have always wanted to be with Mastering Fossil Fighters: Secret Tips and Tricks for UltimateSuccess.

1. Make use of the auto-dig feature to quickly pinpoint the best fossils.

Using the auto-dig feature to quickly pinpoint the best fossils is a great way to save time and energy. To begin, first press the “dig” button to initiate the auto-dig feature. Your character will then be guided to the general area where the fossils will be located. Once there, press the “autodig” button again to automatically search for the best fossils in the ground. Different fossils will appear at different depths, so you will need to manually change the search depth and area to find the ones you want. You can also see what types of fossils are in the ground by scrolling over them with the stylus. Once you find the fossils that you want, simply press the “acquire” button to remove them from the ground. With this in mind, the auto-dig feature can be a great tool for quickly pinpointing the best fossils around.

2. Utilize the grid system to determine the best digging locations.

The grid system is a tool used for Fossil Fighters to determine the best digging locations based off of discovered fossils. By using the grid system, players can plan out the most efficient and effective excavations with the highest chances of obtaining rare and powerful fossils.

To use the grid system, players first need to mark the location of the discovered fossils on a blank grid. Each discovered fossil’s type, size, and location is marked with a unique character. Developing relationships between fossils of different locations can also inform players of possible fossil combinations, as certain fossils will only be found near certain locations and vice versa.

Once the locations of the discovered fossils are mapped out, players then combine the relationships between certain fossils to determine the best areas to dig. By obtaining information from fossil remains and deducing what kinds of fossils may be nearby based off of the fossils already discovered, the grid system allows players to maximize their digging efforts for the best results.

3. Explore new areas for rare fossils.

1. To explore new areas for rare fossils in Fossil Fighters, you should first make sure you are well-equipped with items and powerful Vivosaurs.

2. From the main menu, select the “Fossil Hub” option and then choose one of the several sections to explore.

3. Before you leave for an expedition, make sure you have provided a fossil line-up as well as selected the items that you will need for your journey.

4. Once you have selected an area, you can start exploring the terrain and digging for fossils. Collect as many fossils and as many types of fossil rocks as you can.

5. To make sure you are in the right spot to find rare fossils, study the entire Fossil Hub map and collect as many fossil point icons as possible.

6. Once you have collected multiple rare fossils, you can go back to the Fossil Hub to treat your fossils and revive Vivosaurs.

7. You can then use your new Vivosaurs to battle different opponents as you explore new areas for rare fossils!

4. Swipe the stylus across the touch screen to search for fossils.

When playing Fossil Fighters, swiping the stylus across the touch screen is the main way of searching for fossils. To do this, you’ll first need to select an area on the map to start searching. Once selected, hold the stylus over the touch screen and make a swiping motion from left to right and up and down to look for fossils. If an area is especially hard to find fossils in, you can press down and trace the pattern outlined in the scan view to improve your chances of finding something. The fossils that you find will be randomly placed in the area. When you find a fossil, a stegosaurus icon will appear to indicate your discovery. You can then tap the icon to pick up and store the fossil in your inventory.

5. Use the spinning wheel to quickly find items.

To use the spinning wheel to quickly find items in Fossil Fighters, you first need to be in a Dig Site. This is done by selecting “Go to Dig Site” from the main menu. Once at the dig site, find the spinning wheel and press A. You will need to purchase a ticket first from Costalot’s shop, which you can find in Vallo. Once you have a ticket, select “Spin” to get started. You will be given three spins, meaning you can get three treasures.

You must move the cursor to the item you want to obtain. Once the wheel slows down and holds the cursor, press A to select the item. The remaining two options are done in a similar way, however you have to purchase a new ticket to spin again. If you manage to get all three items you want within the three given spins, you have successfully used the spinning wheel to quickly find items.

6. Salvage more items by digging in multiple spots at once.

When digging in multiple spots at once in Fossil Fighters, you must first equip your vivosaur with the special Digging Skill “Multiplexer”. This skill is unlocked by reaching Level 37 with your vivosaur. Once equipped with a Multiplexer, you can then select up to 4 blocks on the excavating field and dig them all at the same time. This allows you to find more items in less time.

7. Take advantage of the autopilot feature to help explore new areas.

The Autopilot feature in Fossil Fighters allows players to explore new areas without directly controlling their vehicle. When used, your vehicle will move forward on its own, allowing you to focus on scanning the screen for treasures or fossils.

To take advantage of the autopilot feature, press the A button to activate it. The autopilot will then drive in a straight line until it hits an obstacle or reaches the end of the map. After this, the autopilot will automatically deactivate and you will be able to take control of your vehicle again. To use the autopilot again, press A to reactivate it.

Using the Autopilot feature can be useful for quickly exploring new areas and discovering hidden treasures and fossils. Just be sure to scan the screen regularly for new items and press A again when you reach an obstacle or the end of the map.

8. Turn on the directional sound feature to locate nearby fossils.

To turn on the directional sound feature to locate nearby fossils in Fossil Fighters, press Y on the directional pad on your Nintendo DS game system. This will enable your character to hear a sound coming from the direction of the fossil. Keep pressing Y and moving your character forward to follow the sound until you reach your destination.

9. Collect and fuse different types of fossils to create more powerful creatures.

1. First, you must collect the fossil pieces you need to create your creature. These can be obtained by digging up the rocks at various excavation sites. There are specific excavation spots at each of the excavation sites, so you’ll need to explore around to find the rocks that contain fossils.

2. Once you have the fossils pieces, you’ll need to assemble them. This is done by slotting the pieces into the correct places inside the bone on the fossil screen. When you complete the fossil, it will sprout a body from the ground and become a living creature.

3. To make these creatures more powerful, you can use the Fossil Fusion system. This will allow you to fuse two creatures together to create a new and more powerful creature. To do this, simply select the two creatures you want to fuse and hit the “fuse” option. After a short time, you will have a new and powerful creature.

10. Utilize the save function to keep track of your progress in the game.

The Save function in Fossil Fighters can be used to save your progress during the game. In order to save your game, you must first move your character to the Save Point located in each area. Interact with the Save Point to bring up the save menu, then select ‘Save’ to save the game. You will be asked to confirm your selection, select ‘Yes’ to save the game.

Once your progress is saved, you will be able to resume your game at the point at which you saved. If you need to quit the game at any point, remember to save your progress first!

11. Play with friends or against others online.

Playing with friends or against others online in Fossil Fighters requires you to first connect your Nintendo DS, 3DS, or 2DS to a wireless network. After connecting to the network, you will need to download the Fossil Fighters Online application from the Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection service. From there, you can search for players online and join them in a “Battle”. In a Battle, two players can compete against each other in a series of fossil-related challenges. You can also join a “Tag Battle” with up to four players. In a Tag Battle, two players team up against another two in a one-on-two match. Finally, you can join other players in a “Team Battle”. In a Team Battle, four players are divided into two teams, and the teams compete in a series of challenges. Winning online battles in Fossil Fighters will earn you points that you can later use to purchase items from the Fossil Fighters Shop.

12. Gather points to gain access to bonus content.

Gathering points to gain access to bonus content in Fossil Fighters is easy and can be done in a few different ways. The first way to get points is through playing and completing the main story arcs in the game. Completing the chapters will award you points, which you can use to buy special items and unlock new areas of the game. You can also complete challenges and side quests which will also reward you with points.

Another way to gather points is by taking part in special online events and being rewarded with badges that can be exchanged for points. Participating in online tournaments will also give you points that can be used to purchase items or open new areas within the game. Finally, if you have connected your Nintendo 3DS to the Nintendo Wi-Fi connection, you can get access to SpotPass content which will reward you with points.

13. Execute special combos for powerful attacks.

Special combos in Fossil Fighters involve simultaneously activating two Vivosaurs with the same element symbol. To pull off a Special Combo, replace the Vivosaurs currently in your party with two Fossils that have the same element symbol. Activate the two Vivosaurs to create a Special Combo.

When the Special Combo has been activated, the Vivosaurs involved will be surrounded by a whirling aura of their element symbol. Then, select the Vivosaur you want to use to attack the enemy Vivosaur. Be sure to press both the ‘Punch’ button and the ‘Special’ button at the same time in order to execute the powerful special attack. After the attack has been executed, the aura surrounding your Vivosaurs will disappear.

14. Participate in tournaments for a variety of rewards.

1. Speak to the tournament organizer in the VIVOSAUR LAB to enter a tournament and learn its theme.

2. Assemble a team of up to three VIVOSAURS, each with their own particular skills and traits.

3. Before entering the tournament arena, head over to the tournament shop to buy items to help you in battle.

4. Enter the tournament arena and battle against opposing teams until you reach the finals.

5. The tournament organizer will reward you with prizes and tournament participation based on your performance. The better you perform, the bigger the reward!

6. Complete special tournament challenges to unlock rare items and powerful VIVOSAURS. You won’t be disappointed!

15. Take part in special events to gain rare items.

Special events in Fossil Fighters are one-time opportunities that allow players to get access to exclusive content. To participate in a special event, players must download the event from the Fossil Fighters menu. Once an event is downloaded, players can access it from the My Discovers tab in the Collect menu. Depending on the type of event, it may involve digging for fossils, battling opponents, or collecting puzzle pieces. Once an event is complete, players will receive a reward, which can include unique fossils, powerful vivosaurs, or rare items. Some events are limited-time only and can’t be restarted, so it’s important to take part in them as soon as possible.

16. Unlock new fossils and combine them for the ultimate creatures.

To unlock new fossils in Fossil Fighters, players must enter the Fossil Stadium and complete regular boosts. Boosts are challenges where players can collect coins and other items, and occasionally receive new fossils. After completing boosts, players can find their unlocked fossils in the Fossil Lab.

To combine fossils, players will need to visit a Godly Station in the Fossil Stadium. Visit the station with two fossils to combine them, and the new creature created will unlock. The Godly station will also allow players to evolve creatures, with the higher levels unlocking more powerful and unique combinations.

17. Let your creatures evolve even further by using parts acquired from others.

Creating stronger versions of your vivosaurs requires the use of parts known as “Fossil Rocks”. You can get Fossil Rocks from other players, or by winning them through the various battles and tournaments that take place throughout the game. The key to successfully letting your creatures evolve is to use the right combination of Fossil Rocks and your vivosaur’s unique stat points.

There are two types of Fossil Rocks: Element Rocks and Stat Rocks. Element Rocks are used to change or increase the basic element of your vivosaurs, while Stat Rocks increase specific stats such as Speed, Attack, and Defense. The best way to maximize the effectiveness of the Fossil Rocks is to equip the right combination of Element Rocks and Stat Rocks that best suit your vivosaur’s abilities and strengths.

Once you have the desired combination of Fossil Rocks, you will need to combine them with your vivosaur’s points. When you do this, you will see an icon representing the combined Stat Rock or Element Rock appear next to your vivosaur’s image. Once the rock is combined, your vivosaur can evolve into an even more powerful creature.

18. Construct a unique Fossil Park of your own.

Constructing a unique Fossil Park of your own in Fossil Fighters is surprisingly easy and fun. Here’s how to do it:

1. Select the park editor: To build your own park in Fossil Fighters, you’ll need to access the park editor. This is found in the same screen where you pick your existing parks.

2. Change the map size: In the park editor, you’ll be able to change the size of your park. You can make it as large or as small as you want and can even tweak the land formations.

3. Place the buildings: Once you’ve selected the terrain for your park, you can begin placing your buildings. From laboratories to movie theaters, a variety of structures are available for you to customize your park.

4. Place decorations: You can also add decorations to your park. You can place trees and rocks, as well as other pieces of scenery and backgrounds.

5. Place the fossils: The main reason people visit your Fossil Park will be to excavate fossils, so you need to make sure you place plenty of them in your park. Use the color palette to choose different colors for each type of fossil, so that park visitors can quickly find the fossils they are looking for.

6. Tune the music: You can also change the music that plays in your park. There are plenty of tunes to choose from that fit the theme of Fossil Fighters.

Once you’ve completed these steps, your park is ready to go. You can now share your creation with other Fossil Fighters, and watch as visitors explore your unique Fossil Park.

19. Decorate your Fossil Park and customize it with special items.

To decorate and customize your Fossil Park, you’ll need to purchase items from the nearby item shop. You can pick from dozens of decorations including trees, rocks, and fossil stands. You can also purchase special items to add unique features to your Fossil Park, such as decorative ponds, flags, and statues. When you buy an item, drag and drop it into place in your Fossil Park wherever you want it. You can also rearrange items you’ve already bought to create a new look. Additionally, you can buy special Fossil Park upgrades such as rare fossils and themed fossils to further personalize your park.

20. Team up with other players to form the strongest team ever.

1. Connect with online players: You can use various online platforms such as the official Fossil Fighters forums, Reddit, Discord and more to find and connect with other players who are also looking for collaborators. To make sure you are connected with like-minded players, take some time to communicate with them and get to know each other’s playing styles and strategies.

2. Look for different fossil types: Fossil Fighters feature a variety of different fossil types, each with their own unique skills and attributes. If you team up with players that have access to different fossils, you will be able to form a powerful team that is capable of different strategies.

3. Choose a leader: When teaming up with other players, it is important to pick a leader who is familiar with the game and will be able to coordinate the other players and give directions when needed. Communication between the players is also essential, so make sure you can all communicate easily about strategies and tactics.

4. Consider team roles: While the leader would be the one who gives directions and coordinates the team’s efforts, it is important to also assign each teammate to specific roles. Each player should focus on using a specific type of fossil and use their skills and attributes to make sure the team is as strong as possible.

5. Practice: Once your team is formed, take some time to practice in-game together. This will allow you to become more familiar with each other’s strategies, as well as with the unique play styles of each one of your team members. By practicing together, you can become a true team and form the strongest team ever!

21. Trade items with friends and enemies alike.

1. Get a DS Wireless Communications enabled during gameplay.

2. Select Wi-Fi Connect on the main menu.

3. Choose the mode: Friend or Enemy.

4. Set up your connection, either by entering the Local Area Network configuration, or by selecting your Friend’s ID.

5. Select the items you wish to Trade with the other party.

6. Select the Send/Recv button to exchange Gifts or Fossils.

7. Accept the items that were sent to you.

8. Exit the Wi-Fi Connect screen to save the Trade.

9. Remember to save your game progress after a Trade!

22. Compete in mini-games to earn extra cash.

Mini-vivosaurs are one of the main components of the Fossil Fighters series, and competing in mini-games is one of the best ways to earn extra cash in the game.

To compete in mini-games, open your fossil park and select “Mini Games” from the game list. You’ll be presented with a variety of different mini-games, such as races, obstacle courses, and target practice. Play any of these mini-games that you’d like, and you’ll receive a cash reward based on your performance. The better you do, the more money you’ll earn!

You can also compete in mini-games with other players. Look for a “battle” or “tournament” room from the game list and team up with other online players. This will allow you to compete with others and accumulate even bigger rewards.

You can use your winnings to buy powerful items and fossil fuels required to revive rare vivosaurs.

23. Collect unique treasures hidden throughout the game.

Unique treasures can be found in Bones Burrows across the game’s different locations. They are usually buried deep within the Burrows, so you will need to dig down deep and explore every nook and cranny to find them.

Some treasures can be found by analyzing the glittery sparkles on the surface of a fossil that you have excavated.

You can also find treasured items by looking in the bushes, crates, and Junker piles in the various fossil sites that you visit.

Finally, you may also uncover rare items by throwing dynamite at certain rocks and breaking through them to see what lies beneath.

24. Compare your character’s strength with others from around the world.

To compare your character’s strength with others from around the world in Fossil Fighters, you can access the “Fossil Fighter League” on the Title Screen. Once in the Fossil Fighter League, you can select “Compare Stats” from the menu, where you will be able to enter your character’s Save Number to find out how they match up against other Fossil Fighters around the world. You will then see a list of players with similar stats, which you can use to get an idea of how strong your character is compared to the rest of the competition.

25. Place wagers on different Fossil Fighters and bet on the outcome of the fight.

1. Select a Fossil Fighter that you want to make a wager on.

2. Talk to the wager clerk in the lobby of the stadium where your Fossil Fighter will fight.

3. Ask the clerk to place your wager. The clerk will provide you with a voucher for your bet.

4. When your Fossil Fighter is ready to fight, go to the battle arena and find the wager clerk.

5. Give the wager clerk your voucher. The clerk will tally up the bets and tally up the final result after the fight.

6. Collect your winnings from the wager clerk after the fight is over.

26. Travel to distant lands in search of mysterious and powerful fossils.

In order to travel to distant lands in search of mysterious and powerful fossils in Fossil Fighters, you first need to access the World Map. This can be done by going into your Fusion Resume and then selecting the World Map option. Once the World Map is open, you can select a place to travel to and press the A button. Then, if the land you have selected has fossils to find, a stage will appear and you will be able to battle enemies in order to collect fossils. After battles, you will be rewarded with fossils, currency, and other items. You can then exit the stage and move to the next one.

27. Defeat powerful bosses to gain valuable objects.

1. Build up your team of Fossil Fighters: Before attempting to fight a powerful boss, it is important to build up your team of Fossil Fighters. Have a well-rounded team with good offense, defense, and special abilities.

2. Equip powerful Fossils: Make sure to equip your team of Fossil Fighters with the strongest and most powerful fossils you can find. This will give them an advantage in the battle.

3. Focus Fire: Strategically choose which Fossil Fighter each enemy will target first. Focus fire on that enemy to take it out as quickly as possible.

4. Use Special Moves: Each Fossil Fighter has powerful special moves. Make sure to use these moves to your advantage to maximize your damage and take out the enemy quickly.

5. Heal periodically: Make sure to heal your team periodically throughout the fight. This will help keep your Fossil Fighters alive and fighting longer.

6. Win the fight: Once you have followed these steps, if all goes well you should be able to take out the powerful boss and acquire the valuable object.

28. Take part in special tournaments to earn exclusive items.

1. To take part in special tournaments in Fossil Fighters, you first need to make sure you have access to the tournament. Some are open to anyone, while others may require special qualifications like having a certain tournament ID or having reached a certain level in the game.

2. Once you are eligible to participate in the tournament, you need to travel to the tournament center. It can be found in various locations in the game’s world.

3. When you reach the tournament center, you need to interact with the tournament board or NPC to register for the tournament.

4. After registering, select which unit you would like to use in the tournament from the Units list.

5. You will then be matched against other participants in the tournament. You can either battle them one-on-one or take part in round-robin tournaments.

6. After defeating your opponent, you will be rewarded with exclusive items such as DNA Stones, Fossil Shells, and Viper Medals. These items can only be obtained through participating in tournaments, so completing the tournament can win you some rare and powerful rewards.

29. Transform your ordinary Fossil Fighters into powerful monsters.

Transforming your ordinary Fossil Fighters into powerful monsters is called Fossil Fu in the game. To Transform, follow these steps:

1. Visit a Fossil Laboratory.

2. Select the Fossil Fighters you want to Transform.

3. Select the Transformation option.

4. Use the control panel or touch pad to enter the required data.

5. Select the type of monster you want to Transform.

6. Set the components of the Transformation, such as the amount of HP, Attack Power and Defense.

7. Finalize the Transformation and save it.

Once you have completed the Transformation process, your ordinary Fossil Fighters will become powerful monsters.

30. Lead wild fossil hunts and lay traps to help capture escaping monsters.

To lead wild fossil hunts and lay traps to help capture escaping monsters in Fossil Fighters, you must activate a special function in the game called Fossil Hunting mode. In this mode, you will be given a specific hunting area and a list of fossils that you can excavate. To lay traps, you will need to collect items from the area that you can use to craft different traps. Once you have crafted the traps, you can place them around the area and wait for the monsters to be trapped. You must then use your fossil fighter to capture them.

31. Recruit friends and allies to join your team.

1. In order to recruit friends and allies to join your team, you must first go to the local Fossil Guild where information about your vivosaurs can be found.

2. Speak to the Guild Leader and select the option to recruit friends and allies.

3. The Guild Leader will then give you a list of potential allies to choose from.

4. Select the ones you would like to recruit and then the Guild Leader will let you know if they’ve been successfully recruited.

5. Once your allies have been recruited, head back to the Fossil Guild and you will now be able to take them into battle and use their special skills.

32. Issue special commands to your team to turn the tide of battle.

To issue special commands to your team in Fossil Fighters, you must use the Team Commands found in the game’s main menu. You can command your team to attack, use items, and even swap out teammates during battle. You can also use special commands to perform coordinated attacks like Chain and Combo, or to set up strategic blocks and support moves. These special commands can be a vital part of your team’s strategy and can help turn a losing battle into a great victory!

33. Strategize with the help of a Virtual Combat Advisor.

Using the Virtual Combat Advisor is an excellent way to strategize in Fossil Fighters. The Virtual Combat Advisor will provide helpful hints and tips throughout the game in order to help maximize success in battle. Some tips that the Virtual Combat Advisor will give include choosing the right Leader Vivosaur to lead the team into battle, taking into consideration the type effectiveness of each Vivosaur, taking into consideration the positioning of the Vivosaurs in battle, and knowing when to employ Super Moves. By following the Virtual Combat Advisor’s advice, players will be able to maximize their team’s potential and become a master Fossil Fighter!

34. Spawn your own team of monsters to help in tough battles.

Spawning your own team of monsters in Fossil Fighters is a fairly simple process.

1. Visit the Vivosaur Laboratory in your home town and select “Make Team” from the list.

2. Select up to four Vivosaurs from your party that you wish to add to your team, and press confirm.

3. Test out your team in the Fossil Stadium to see how they perform, and fine-tune your choices if necessary.

4. Take your team into battles in the Random Dungeon, Arena, or Special Missions.

With your perfect team of monsters, you’ll be ready to take on tough battles and build up a great collection of Vivosaurs!

35. Create special powers for your monsters and bring them to life.

Creating special powers for your monsters in Fossil Fighters involves four steps:

1. Choose your Special Power Based on Your Monster’s Element. Each monster in Fossil Fighters will have one of four elemental characteristics – Fire, Water, Nature, or Earth. Each type of monster will have unique special powers associated with it. Choose a power that suits your particular type of monster to customize your monster.

2. Customize your Special Power. You can then customize the power of your monster by choosing the stats that will affect the power, like attack, defense, speed, and others. Choose the stats that best suit your playing style and desired outcome.

3. Enhance Your Special Power with Viva Points. You can enhance your special powers by spending Viva Points, which can be earned by playing the game. This is important for making your power stronger and more effective.

4. Bring Your Monster to Life. You will need to bring your monster to life by merging the powered-up elements into a combine-able fossil. Place the fossils on the combine-o-matic machine and give it some power. The combine-o-matic will turn the fossils into a powerful creature with your custom special power.

36. Activate powerful team combos to overcome enemies.

1. Choose a powerful trio of vivosaurs. Each vivosaur has its own unique offensive and defensive skills which, when combined correctly, can create a powerful combination.

2. Select super moves which target groups of enemies and/or affect more than one target. Super moves are powerful attacks that can be used by two or all three of your vivosaurs at once.

3. Ensure that your vivosaurs have compatible abilities. Certain abilities are stronger against certain types of enemies, so your vivosaurs should have a good mix of offensive and defensive skills to create a strong combo.

4. Use stat buffs to maximize the power of your combo. Buffing your vivosaurs’ stats can significantly increase the damage and accuracy of your super moves, allowing you to deal more destruction to your enemies.

5. Use support moves to help protect your allies from enemy attack. Support moves are passive abilities that are triggered when an enemy tries to land an attack, allowing you to protect your vivosaurs and reduce the amount of damage taken.

6. Time your attacks with precision. Properly timing your attacks can be the difference between success and failure. Use your vivosaurs’ unique offensive and defensive abilities to their fullest potential and you will be able to overcome any enemy.

37. Take part in dizzying races to win exclusive items.

To participate in dizzying races and win exclusive items in Fossil Fighters, players must first max out their vivosaur’s stats. They then need to open the race gate gate in the Vivosaur Arena. The player will then be able to choose which race they want to participate in. The difficulty of the races will depend on the vivosaurs’ stats. After players select their race, they will battle against other teams of vivosaurs and collect rewards as they complete each lap. The player with the highest score in the end will be declared the winner, and receive exclusive items as a reward.

38. Tackle unique puzzles and challenges to expand your repertoire of fossils.

1. Study the Challenge – Examine the challenge thoroughly so you can plan out the best possible course of action. Look for patterns, clues, and other information that can help you come up with the best possible solution.

2. Develop Strategies & Tactics – Based on the challenge, come up with a plan and a strategy that you will use to tackle it. Think of different tactics, approaches, and solutions that might help you solve the problem more efficiently.

3. Collect Information & Resources – Gather as much information as necessary and find resources that may help you complete the challenge. If you need additional tools or fossil specimens, don’t hesitate to acquire them so you can make the most out of the situation.

4. Implement Your Solution – Once you’re ready to go, apply your strategy and attack the puzzle. Monitor your progress and tweak your approach as necessary to ensure you can achieve the desired results.

5. Observe The Results – After the challenge has been solved, take note of how things worked and what you can do differently for the next one. This way, you can continuously improve your skills and expand your repertoire of fossils.

39. Create your own Fossil Park and invite other players to visit.

1. Begin by creating a new Fossil Park in the Configuration settings.

2. Choose a theme for your Fossil Park, such as “dinosaur world” or “tropical paradise”.

3. Set up the layout of your Fossil Park by customizing terrain type, terrain forms, and structures as you please.

4. Configure your Fossil Park rules, including the number of allowed visitors, entrance fee, and trading rules.

5. Create and stock your Fossil Park with Vivosaurs, fossils, and items.

6. When your Fossil Park is ready, you can register it with the Fossil Park registry.

7. Use the in-game messaging system to invite other players to visit your Fossil Park.

8. Enjoy your Fossil Park and gain rewards for hosting visitors.

40. Join forces with other Fossil Fighters to take down powerful foes.

In order to join forces with other Fossil Fighters and take down powerful foes, you must first recruit other players to join your team. You can do this by joining an online community, or by finding players in your local area and asking if they’d like to team up with you. Once you have a team established, you can take on more advanced challenges or even join forces with other teams in order to take on tougher foes. You can also join special tournaments in order to defeat more powerful foes, or even go on special expeditions that require multiple parties working together in order to reach the end.

41. Customize your Fossil Fighters and equip them with awesome new items.

1. Purchase items from the Wig Shop in Port Ethno: You can find various items in the Wig Shop in Port Ethno, including accessories such as hats, helmets, and antennae to customize the look of your Fossil Fighters.

2. Visit the Digging Lounge: This is the place where you get new Fossil Fighters. You can upgrade your Fossil Fighters by equipping them with new parts from the Digging Lounge.

3. Purchase items from the Gear Shop: The Gear Shop has lots of weapons and armor to help you level up your Fossil Fighters. You can also find special abilities to equip your Fossil Fighters to give them unique abilities and make them more powerful.

4. Craft items using the Forge: The Forge is where you craft your own weapons and armor from the items found in the Gear Shop. You can also combine items to create unique and powerful gear for your Fossil Fighters.

5. Train your Fossil Fighters with challenges: By taking on various challenges, your Fossil Fighters will gain experience points which can be used to upgrade them. This includes challenges such as battling other Fossil Fighters in the arena or completing special missions.

6. Heal your Fossil Fighters using Evolution: If your Fossil Fighters get injured in battle, you can take them to the Evolution Lab to restore their health and gain some extra bonuses. There are also special Evolution Stones to be found which will give your Fossil Fighters powerful abilities.

42. Explore dangerous dungeons for exclusive treasures.

Exploring dangerous dungeons in Fossil Fighters is a great way to obtain exclusive treasures. To start, you need to travel to a location in the game’s world and interact with a dungeon entrance. You’ll be asked to confirm the entry into the dungeon. Once inside the dungeon, the player will navigate through a series of floors filled with enemies, puzzles and traps. After reaching the final floor of the dungeon, the player must defeat the boss in order to obtain the exclusive treasures found within. Once the boss is defeated, the player will be rewarded with rewards such as money, fossils, items and more.

43. Collect rare Epic fossils to aid your team.

1. To collect rare Epic Fossils, you must first complete the main storyline in Fossil Fighters. After completing the main storyline, you will be able to access Epic Fossils, which can be found by clearing Dig Sites.

2. However, each Dig Site may contain only one Epic Fossil at a time. To collect these rare fossils, you must carefully search through the Dig Site and identify and excavate it. The clues to identify an Epic Fossil Dig Site are a blue marker in the center, and a random flashing color above the excavators (alternating between red and blue).

3. Once an Epic Fossil is successfully excavated, you must use the vivosaur laboratory to revive it. After reviving your fossil, you will have a new Epic Fossil to add to your team and use in battle.

44. Place traps along enemy pathways to limit their movement.

1. First, identify the pathways the enemy will use to target your team. Take into account different tactical possibilities the enemy might use to surprise you.

2. Once you have identified the pathways, place traps along them. There are several different types of traps available in the game including exploding tiles, stun tiles and freezing tiles. Experiment with different combinations to find the most effective way to limit enemy movement.

3. Keep in mind the strengths and weaknesses of each type of tile when placing them. Exploding tiles cause powerful damage, but do not last for long. Stun tiles disable enemies in their vicinity, but for only a brief period of time. Freezing tiles immobilize enemies in their area for an extended period of time.

4. Place a sufficient number of traps so that enemies cannot advance along the pathways to reach your team. This will also make the enemy think twice before attacking, such as using Hit & Run tactics to move around the map.

5. Monitor the placement of traps frequently. Re-assess the pathways the enemy may use to get to your team and adjust the traps accordingly.

45. Download special content to gain the edge in battle.

Downloading special content to gain an edge in battle in Fossil Fighters can be done in several ways.

1. Download VIP Cards – These special cards include a variety of weapons and items that can be used to boost your fighting stats or give you access to exclusive moves. To get access to these special VIP Cards, a player must sign up for a VIP membership. The membership gives a player access to exclusive content and in-game bonuses.

2. Purchase Battle Passes – Battle Passes are a special form of currency that can be bought with real money and used to purchase specific weapons, items, and even special bosses. Battle Passes can be used to gain an edge in battle, allowing players to get stronger weapons or access to exclusive moves and abilities.

3. Upgrade Equipment – Players can upgrade their weapons and equipment to make them more powerful and effective in battle. Upgrading equipment can give a player an edge in battle, making them more powerful and able to take on higher-level opponents.

4. Play Events – Participating in special events can give players access to exclusive rewards and items. These rewards can give players an edge in battle and provide them with bonuses that can help them become stronger.

46. Utilize advanced tools to dig out hard-to-reach fossils.

To utilize advanced tools to dig out hard-to-reach fossils, you will first need to unlock the special tools required for these types of tasks. These tools are usually unlocked once you reach a certain level in the game. Once you have the required tools, go to a dig site and equip them. When you see a Hard-To-Reach fossil, switch to the advanced tool that is best suited for the task. For instance, if the fossil is stuck in a rock wall, use the hammer tool. For fossils stuck in the ground or in tough terrain, utilize the shovel or pickaxe.

Once you have the appropriate tool equipped, use the stylus to point at the fossil and make your way around the obstacle and release the fossil. Also, remember to use the radar to detect hidden fossils in the field. With the right tools and techniques, you can succeed in digging out all types of Hard-To-Reach fossils. Good luck and have fun!

47. Roam across vast lands and venture into uncharted territory.

To roam across vast lands and venture into uncharted territory in Fossil Fighters, you will need to access the transporter located in the main square of the town by talking to the transporter manager; the manager will provide a list of available places to explore. Once the destination has been selected, the player will be taken to that area, where they can explore for fossils, battle wild vivosaurs, and collect new items and fossils. Exploration is necessary as many areas will contain rare resources and fossil finds that cannot be found anywhere else. By roaming across vast lands and venturing into uncharted territory, the player can expand their team of vivosaurs, earn rewards, and uncover powerful artifacts.

48. Combine various monsters to unleash powerful attacks.

1. Firstly, you need to have monsters of different elements. Combos can only be used when two or more monsters of different elements are in the same party. For example, a Fire-type monster and a Water-type monster.

2. Secondly, select the monsters that you’d like to use for the combo and position them on the left and right sides of the “Combo Board” located in the main menu. Select the leader, the person who will perform the combo attack, from the list in the main menu.

3. After that, you need to select the type of the combo attack you would like to use. There are three types of combo attacks to choose from, each with their own unique advantages and effects.

4. Finally, you can confirm your selections and your monsters will perform the combo attack. Depending on the elements of the monsters and the type of combo attack used, the attack will have a different effect. Pay attention to the descriptions on the screen for more information.

49. Strategically plan each move and use the environment to your advantage.

1. Make sure to make full use of the terrain that the game provides you. The terrain can be used to gain advantages in battle and make your team stronger. Take advantage of the higher ground when possible, or use rocks or holes to create choke points that can help you control the battle.

2. Pay attention to the Elemental Effects that the environment can provide. The various areas can cause Elemental Effects, like fire tiles providing increased fire damage or ice tiles lowering enemy speed. Knowing these effects and adjusting your team or strategies accordingly can give you a major advantage.

3. Learn the game’s mechanics and use them strategically. For example, some actions can take away from your opponent’s action points, while others can give you an energy boost. Knowing these mechanics and when to use them can really help you strategize.

4. Use the support stats to your advantage. The support stats like accuracy, stability, and movement can give you bonuses in battle. Understanding which stats are best for the situation and making use of them can make a huge difference in how your team fares in battle.

5. Be creative. There’s nothing stopping you from coming up with new, innovative strategies to use in battle. Think outside the box and come up with creative ways to surprise your enemies and give yourself an advantage.

50. Take part in mini-games and puzzle challenges.

Mini-games and puzzles are side activities in Fossil Fighters that can be completed to obtain additional rewards such as money, special items, and fossils. To take part in mini-games and puzzle challenges, the player must speak with the Mini-Game Manager located in Hope Square in the Port town of Vivosaur Island. The Mini-Game Manager will offer the player a variety of different mini-games to choose from, including “The Fractured Fossil Race”, “The Fossil Showdown”, and “The Jurassic Challenge”. Each mini-game has its own unique rules and rewards, and requires the player to complete puzzles or tasks in order to progress. After a mini-game is completed, the player will be rewarded with money, rare items, and sometimes fossils.

51. Visit the shop and purchase exclusive items.

To visit the shop and purchase exclusive items in Fossil Fighters, first launch the game and access the main menu. From the main menu, select the “Navigation” option. This will bring up a map of the game’s world. Select the square icon at the bottom of the map with a picture of a shopping bag on it. This will take you to the game’s shop. Here you will be able to browse items and purchase items with the Coins and VIP Points you have earned throughout the game. You can purchase exclusive items such as special Vivosaurs, equipment, and items that can help you progress through the game.

52. Receive bonus rewards for defeating difficult enemies.

In order to receive bonus rewards for defeating difficult enemies in Fossil Fighters, you must fulfill certain requirements. First, you must have high enough stats for the enemies you are fighting. Second, your party must have all the necessary elemental types to effectively counter the enemy’s attacks. Finally, you must defeat the enemy in a certain amount of time. If you successfully complete these requirements, the game will reward you with bonus rewards like bonus points, additional experience points, bonus currency, and even bonus items.

53. Collect more rare fossils to boost your team’s strength.

1. Visit the Recovery Centre regularly or keep an eye out for new areas that open up. Here, you can use tools such as the rock hammer to excavate fossils and take them back to the lab.

2. Participate in excavating contests. This is a great way to earn rare fossils. Additionally, it’s an excellent way to level up and earn coins.

3. Purchase the premium version of Fossil Fighters. This version has extra excavation tools and fossil packs, which can help you to find rare fossils easily.

4. Connect with other Fossil Fighters. Ask experienced fossil hunters about their digging techniques and about new areas where you can recover rare fossils.

5. Visit stores that specialize in fossils. Online fossil stores often have fossils from earlier geological periods, and some of them are rare finds.

6. Exchange or trade fossils with other players. You can offer to trade your rare fossils for theirs.

54. Make use of the special Pokemon Battle mode.

The special Pokemon Battle mode in Fossil Fighters is a unique form of battle. This mode allows you to create a team of up to three of your most powerful Vivosaurs then go head-to-head with teams created by other players or NPCs. In order to make use of this mode, you must first go to the Battle Plaza located on the far right side of the Main Menu. From there, you will be given the option of either creating a team of your own or competing in one of the pre-made tournaments.

Once you have chosen a tournament to enter, you will be prompted to select your team of Vivosaurs. You can select three of your favorite Vivosaurs, making sure to keep in mind that each Vivosaur has their own strengths and weaknesses. After selecting your team, you will be given the option to adjust the stats and evolutions of your Vivosaurs. After customizing the team to your liking, you can then start the battle against your opponents.

The battles themselves are similar to traditional monster-battling gameplay, as each turn consists of commands such as Attack, Skills, and Defend. You and your opponents will take turns sending commands until one of the teams runs out of HP. At the end of the battle, the team with the most HP left will be declared the winner and rewarded with prizes. Winning these tournaments will not only provide you with rewards but also give you a chance to increase your rank and gain access to more powerful Vivosaurs.

55. Get more powerful with the unique Super Fusion ability.

Super Fusion is a powerful battle ability that lets players combine two different vivosaurs into one, stronger vivosaur. It’s the only way to obtain S-grade vivosaurs or upgrade a vivosaur to its S-grade form. Here’s how to get more powerful with Super Fusion:

1. Begin the process in Revival Island’s Super Revival Lab. A machine known as the Super Reviver allows players to combine two vivosaurs in order to create a more powerful one.

2. Select the two vivosaurs to be combined. Each vivosaur will contribute stats such as HP, attack power, agility, and armor to the resulting Super Fusion. The game will calculate the chances of the Fusion’s success, factoring in the rarity and strength of the two vivosaurs being used.

3. Feed the Super Reviver energy by inserting specific items. Charge up the Reviver with energy in order to increase the chances of successful Fusion. Rare items such as the Hyper Reviver Diamond should be used in order to maximize the Fusion’s success rate.

4. When the Super Reviver is charged, hit the Fusion button and cross your fingers! Super Fusion can be risky, so be sure to save your game before attempting. If successful, the newly created vivosaur will join your team, complete with greatly increased stats and unique abilities.

Good luck and happy reviving!

56. Use the stylus to perform unique actions.

Using the stylus to perform unique actions in Fossil Fighters is relatively simple. By selecting an object or enemy on the game screen, you can then use the stylus to move it or interact with it. This allows you to pick up objects, move enemies around, and utilize various tools for the game. Once objects are selected, you can drag and drop them to perform tasks such as digging for fossils, building bridges, and battling enemies. In battles, you can use the stylus to launch attacks, block attacks, and make strategic moves. By swiping up and down on the screen, you can also access the menu and switch between characters, items, and more.

57. Employ the touch screen to explore the environment.

Using the touch screen to explore the environment in Fossil Fighters is easy. Simply drag or tap the stylus or your finger on the screen to move the character around. Depending on the area you’re in, pushing down on the screen will cause your character to interact with the environment. For example, pushing down on the ground will cause your character to dig to search for fossils. Depending on the area, you may also be able to harvest objects such as vines and rocks by pressing on them. When facing opponents, you can tap and drag your finger on the screen to maneuver your character towards the opponent and perform Unique Moves.

58. Enjoy smooth gameplay with the intuitive interface.

1. Familiarize yourself with the game’s control scheme. Pay special attention to the basic controls, such as the D-pad, face buttons (A, B, X, Y), “L” and “R” bumpers, and the shoulder buttons.

2. Get to know the different menus, such as the Start game screen, the Fossil Lab, and the main game screen. These menus will give you access to the bulk of the Fossil Fighters game.

3. Learn the different actions available for each of your fossil fighters (such as attacks, items, etc), and remember the shortcut buttons for quick access.

4. Familiarize yourself with the options available for improving your fossil fighters, such as leveling up, evolving, and equiping parts.

5. Get comfortable using the touch screen shortcuts, such as vivosaur switching and command shortcuts.

6. Explore the game, and identify any advantages you can gain through exploration and battle.

7. Take advantage of the strategic elements of Fossil Fighters, such as defending, retreating, and using terrain effects.

8. Experiment with as many tactics as possible, and don’t be afraid to try out different strategies.

9. Most importantly, have fun! Mastering the game requires time and effort, and one of the most important part of playing Fossil Fighters is enjoying your time with it.

59. Unlock secret items with passwords.

Secret items in Fossil Fighters can be unlocked by entering special passwords, which are released through a number of different sources. Players can unlock specific characters and special items using different passwords which are released by different events or from the official Fossil Fighters website. To use a secret item password, you will need to enter the code on the main menu of the game. Players can find all the valid codes in the Code List menu within the game. Once the code is entered correctly, the item will be unlocked and available in your inventory.

60. Utilize special powers in battle to cause maximum destruction.

To utilize special powers in battle to cause maximum destruction in Fossil Fighters, players must collect and equip special, powerful “Vivosaurs” to their team. These Vivosaurs can be obtained by digging up fossils in the game’s Fossil Sites and then bringing the fossils back to the Lab to revive them.

Once a Vivosaur is obtained, it is important to use them in battle in strategic combinations to maximize their special powers. For example, some Vivosaurs have a “team attack”, allowing them to team up and perform powerful moves against opposing Vivosaurs. Other Vivosaurs have the ability to utilize elemental moves to cause devastating damage to enemies. There are also several other special abilities, like the ability to decrease the opponent’s stats, which can be used to great effect.

By studying the special powers and abilities of each Vivosaur and strategically combining them in the battle, players can cause maximum destruction and defeat their foes.

61. Collect exclusive parts to upgrade your monsters.

1. Find Parts – Exclusive parts can be found inside numerous fossils that are scattered throughout the game. In order to collect these exclusive parts you’ll need to use a combination of Survival Battles, Excavation Sites, and Digadig Fields. Survival Battles will allow you to acquire fossils in exchange for points; winning more battles grants you access to higher ranked, rarer fossils. Excavation Sites are areas of fixed fossils that require a specific combination of tools and technique to help extract the fossil. The Digadig Fields offer up a series of Fossil Rocks that must be broken open and searched for relics that may contain the parts.

2. Upgrade Parts – Once you’ve collected enough of the exclusive parts they can then be taken to the customization area at the Fossil park to upgrade your monsters. Here you can fuse the parts with each other, combine them with other equipment, and increase the power and accuracy of your monsters. This can dramatically improve your chances of success in the fights you take part in.

62. Take part in bonus missions to add to your collection.

Bonus missions in Fossil Fighters are a great way to add special fossils to your collection. To access them, first you must complete the initial story mode of the game.

Once this is done, you can then access the Bonus Missions. You’ll find them via the central hub, where the Fossil Stadium is located. When you approach the gates, a guard will direct you to the Bonus Missions.

Here you can take part in different timed missions, as well as Dig Sites. In the missions, you’ll receive rewards that will help add some special breeds to your collection. Completing the missions will also give you the chance to find rare fossils.

The missions are ship-based and the objectives and difficulty levels vary, so you can find a mission that’s suited to your playing style. Once you complete the mission successfully, you can add the fossils to your collection.

If you want, you can also challenge other players in an online mission. This will give you access to even more rewards and help you add more rare fossils to your collection.

63. Time your attacks for the perfect counter.

Timing is key when it comes to attacking in Fossil Fighters. You must time your attacks perfectly in order to have the most successful counter, otherwise you risk being vulnerable to your opponent’s attacks. Here are some tips to help you time your attacks for the perfect counter:

1. Pay attention to your opponent’s movements. This includes what direction they’re facing, the speed of their attacks, and the direction of their attacks. By analyzing these factors, you can anticipate when your opponent’s attacks are coming and react accordingly.

2. Time your attack shortly after your opponent’s attack. If you wait too long, your opponent will be ready to counter your attack. Thus, timing your attack shortly after your opponent’s attack is the most effective way to land a successful counter.

3. Know when to block. Blocking at the right time can help you succeed in defending against your opponent’s attacks. However, be careful not to block too often as it can leave you vulnerable to powerful attacks.

4. Use special abilities. You can use special abilities like defensive buffs or power moves to create openings for yourself. For example, countering an attack by using a defensive buff can cause your opponent to waste their attack or give you enough time to counter.

Following these tips will help you time your attacks for the perfect counter in Fossil Fighters. Good luck!

64. Find hidden bonuses in caves and dungeons.

Hidden bonuses in caves and dungeons in Fossil Fighters can be found by paying close attention to the environment. Look for hidden entrances or alcoves in walls that may lead to bonus rooms that contain hidden items. Keep an eye out for sparkles or bright flashes of light that may denote the presence of hidden bonus rooms or areas. Additionally, when exploring caves and dungeons, watch for faint outlines of walls, items, or even fossils that are hidden from plain view. These bonuses are usually carefully hidden, so you’ll need to explore thoroughly to find them. Finally, make sure to use your radar to help you locate the hidden bonuses.

65. Challenge yourself in the Herofinder mode.

In the Herofinder mode of Fossil Fighters, you can challenge yourself by attempting to discover rare fossils. You must first dig up fossils in the various excavation sites and then bring them back to the lab to identify them. After identifying them, you can rebuild the fossils you found and eventually bring them to life. The goal is to collect as many rare and powerful fossils as possible while also avoiding powerful, yet undesired creatures. To challenge yourself, you must put yourself to the test by digging up harder to find fossils, such as super-rares, master fossils, or ultra-rares, and then be able to identify and rebuild them successfully. This requires you to have a greater knowledge of the game and the fossils you are collecting.

66. Participate in unusual team competitions.

Unusual team competitions are unique competitions hosted in Fossil Fighters that involve players competing as teams instead of by themselves. To participate in a team competition, players will first need to find a team. Teams can be formed with up to three members and can include players from anywhere in the world. To find potential team members, players should check out discussion forums, fan pages, and online message boards related to the game.

Once a team is formed, players should sign up for the competition and follow the necessary instructions. Most team competitions will involve players battling against other teams in order to win points or place at the top of a leaderboard. Team members should coordinate their strategies and fossil combinations in order to get the best possible score and increase their chances of winning. Communication between team members is essential in order to ensure everyone is working together towards the same goal.

By participating in unusual team competitions, players can experience new and exciting aspects of Fossil Fighters. It’s a great way to meet other players and hone a team’s strategic skills.

67. Join challenges and battle in the arena.

To join challenges and battle in the arena in Fossil Fighters, you must first have a valid title, such as Master of the Arena or Winner of the Battleground. These titles can usually be earned by participating in the various arenas available in the game, such as the Fossil Stadium and the Volcanic Caverns.

Once you have earned a valid title, you can then talk to the Arena Referee at the entrance of the Arena to register and join a challenge. The Arena Referee will provide you with a list of challenges to choose from and also give you a brief introduction to the challenge. After selecting a challenge, you will be able to battle against other players or AI opponents in the arena and earn points or rewards for winning.

68. Connect with your friends to check out their progress.

To connect with your friends and check out their progress in Fossil Fighters, you will need to have the Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection installed on your system. Once the connection is established, the “Friend Options” menu will allow you to send out friend codes and add friends.

From the “Friend Options” menu, select the “Select Friend” option and then select “Send Friend Request”. You will then need to input the friend code of the player you want to add. Once a request is sent, you will need to wait for the person to accept. Once accepted, both you and your friend will be able to view each other’s progress from the “Friend Info” menu in the “Friend Options” menu.

69. Take part in the Mystery Dungeon for extra rewards.

To take part in the Mystery Dungeon for extra rewards, you must first progress to the point in the game when you unlock the Mystery Dungeon. Once the Mystery Dungeon has been unlocked, you can access it by speaking to Head Fossil Connoisseur Urmel in the GDP main office in Vivosaur Island. From there you can select which Mystery Dungeon to enter, the difficulty level, and what you will use as a reward if you can successfully complete the dungeon. Once you have chosen all your settings, speak to the clerk that is standing next to Urmel to begin the Mystery Dungeon. Good luck!

70. Play the Pokémon Mini-games for special bonuses.

The Pokémon mini-games can be accessed by talking to Shelton, a character located in the Battle Arcade. He will bring up a menu of eight games to play. Each game is unlocked by completing different fossil digs. The player can earn rewards such as coins, extra battles, and even vivosaurs.

The most popular mini-game is Bite ‘n’ Fight, which is similar to the classic Pokémon Red, Blue and Yellow games. You control your vivosaurs and battle opponents to win coins and prizes. The player can also opt for the Boneyard Bubble Popper game, a simple game of matching colorful bubbles.

The player can also choose from other mini-games such as Vivosaur Canyon Ball Drop, where you move your vivosaurs around the screen to catch falling stars. Fossil Feeder has you defend your lunch box from incoming monsters. Vivosaurs Skydiving challenges you to drop your vivosaurs into pools of water while avoiding various obstacles. Lastly, the Mystery Skull Collection lets you dive into the ground to collect the mystery skulls.

Each mini-game offers its own set of rewards, with more difficult games giving you more coins, items, and vivosaurs. It is a great way to earn rewards and have fun while playing Fossil Fighters!

71. Visit the Museum to view your collected fossils.

1. Go to the main menu and select ‘Museum.’

2. Select ‘Fossils.’

3. Select the fossil you want to view.

4. Select ‘View.’

5. Use the Control Pad to rotate the fossil and view it in 3D.

6. Press A to zoom in or out.

7. Press Start/Select to exit the Museum.

72. Recruit friends to form a powerful team.

1. Invite your friends: Ask your friends if they want to join your team and be part of your Fossil Fighters adventure. You can send them an invite via text, email, or phone.

2. Create your team: You will need to decide who is on your team and what their roles are. For example, do you need fossil hunters, fossil cleaners, or fossilizers?

3. Get to know each other: Take some time to get to know each other’s gaming styles and preferences. Learning each other’s strengths and weaknesses will help optimize your team’s performance.

4. Unite for completion: You need to work together to complete the game’s many challenges, puzzles, and battles. This requires communication and coordination among team members.

5. Have fun: Don’t forget to have fun along the way. Crafting a powerful team is all about working together and enjoying the journey.

73. Make use of the X-ray scope to reveal hidden treasures.

Using the X-ray Scope to reveal hidden treasures is a great way to find rare fossils. Here’s how:

1. First, select the X-ray scope option from the tools menu on your Dig Site.

2. You can then use the analog stick to adjust the direction of your beam. Move it around the rock deposits to uncover parts of the fossil that may be hidden.

3. When you find a hidden treasure, approach the rock deposit and press the A button to uncover the fossil.

4. After the fossil is safely revealed, carefully move it to the conveyor belt for transport.

5. Repeat this process to continue discovering new fossils and items.

74. Capture wild monsters with special traps.

Capturing wild monsters with special traps in Fossil Fighters is the primary means for acquiring new creatures for your team. To capture a wild monster, you must first find a special trap. These can be obtained from the Fossil Park, and some can be purchased from the Caravan, a traveling shop that appears in several locations. Once you have your traps, you can use them to capture wild monsters when you encounter them during exploration.

When in a dig site, you can press the A Button near a wild monster to bring up the Trap Menu. Here you can select and use any traps you have in your inventory. To capture the monster, you must place a certain number of traps around it; the number is dependent on the strength of the monster. If you successfully capture the monster, it will be added to your team, and you can use it in battle.

75. Collect points in battle to level up your creatures.

1. Your creature’s Points for Evolution (PPE) increase after each battle. Depending on the battle’s outcome, your PPE can go up anywhere from 5 to 20 points. The more PPE your creature has earned, the more powerful they become and the more they evolve.

2. You can also earn points during battle by killing enemy creatures. These points come in three different forms: Fossil Points (FP), Vitality Points (VP), and Fighter Points (FP). Fossil Points are awarded for fossil pieces which will eventually help fill your creature’s fossil collection. Vitality Points are awarded depending on how many HP your creature has left and Fighter Points are awarded at the end of the battle based on how quickly your creature was able to kill the enemy.

3. The more battles you win, the more PPE, FP, VP, and FP points you earn. This will help your creatures level up faster and make them even more powerful!

76. Explore strange lands in the North and Central Regions.

Exploring strange lands in the North and Central Regions in Fossil Fighters is done by completing a series of battles, and excavating fossils. To explore the lands, players first need to register at the Sands Stadium to access the regional zones. From there, they will be able to view a map of the different regions and pick an area to start exploring. Once on the map, players will have the option to explore, battle, or excavate. To battle, players select their fighters and face off against enemies in a turn-based battle system. Winning battles earns them rewards such as money, or Fossil Rocks. Excavating fossils requires players to head to an excavation site such as a mountain or an underwater stage. They then use their Mining Hammer to excavate fossils from the digging area and recover the fossils, which can be used to create new vivosaurs to add to their roster. As they progress further into the region, they will also unlock new excavation sites and battle zones.

77. Train your creatures in the Training Hall.

In the Training Hall, you can strengthen your creature’s stats, by using Training Vouchers. The Training Hall can be accessed from the Main Menu, and selected from the Location Select Menu.

In the Training Hall, you will choose which Stat to raise, then choose the amount of Training Vouchers to use for the Training Session. You can then select a training program, with each program having a different combination of stat boosts. As you progress through the game, more training programs are unlocked, increasing the potential stat boosts.

Once you have selected the program, your creatures will participate in a Training Session, which consists of two rounds. After the two rounds are completed, your creatures will receive stat boosts depending on their performance. After the session is completed, you will be rewarded with weapons and items that can be used in battle.

Note that the effectiveness of your stats can depend on the Leader’s stats. The higher the Leader’s stats are, the greater the effect of the Training Vouchers will be. You can also have friends join in for the Training Session to increase the effectiveness of the Training Vouchers, even further.

So remember, pick a Training Program, use Training Vouchers, and be sure to have your friends join in to maximize the effects of your training!

78. Buy and sell fossils at the Bazaar.

To Buy Fossils:

1. Go into the Bazaar in Vivosaur Island.

2. Talk to the assistant and select the “I’d like to buy something” option.

3. Browse through the list of fossils that you can buy.

4. Choose the fossil that you want to buy and confirm your purchase.

To Sell Fossils:

1. Go into the Bazaar in Vivosaur Island.

2. Talk to the assistant and select the “Sell something” option.

3. Scroll through the list of fossils that you can sell.

4. Confirm which fossil you would like to sell to receive the money.

79. Join tournaments and win spectacular prizes.

Joining tournaments in Fossil Fighters involves signing up at a Tournament Station and competing with other Fossil Fighters in a variety of battles. Tournaments are divided into categories based on the level of the player. Winning tournaments will award the winner with Fossil Rocks, Medals, and other prizes depending on the tournament.

To join a tournament, select “Tournaments” from the main menu. Then select the region where the tournament is taking place. Each region has a ‘Tournament Station’ which can be used to sign up for tournaments. Once you’ve signed up for a tournament, you will need to wait for the tournament to start.

When the tournament begins, you will need to battle against other Fossil Fighters to advance. You will receive points based on the results of each of your battles and at the end the players with the most points will become the tournament winners.

Winning tournaments will reward the victor with Fossils Rocks, Medals, and special items. These can be used to strengthen your Vivosaur team and increase your chances of winning future tournaments.

80. Analyze fossils in the Fossil Analyzer.

To analyze fossils in the Fossil Analyzer, you must first collect fossils by digging them up with a hammer from the excavation sites around Vivosaur Island.

Once you have a fossil, you can take it to the Fossil Analyzer to find out what type of Vivosaur it is. The Analyzer will analyze the fossil and determine which Vivosaur it is. You can receive DNA from these Vivosaurs which you can then use to revive them.

Once you have collected a few fossils, you can take them all back to the Fossil Analyzer and it will analyze all of them one by one. For each Vivosaur, the Analyzer will tell you which Vivosaur it is and how many DNA points you can receive from it. You can then choose which Vivosaur you want to revive with the DNA and create your own team.

Happy fossil hunting!

81. Craft custom Fossil Fighters with the Assembly Machine.

To craft custom Fossil Fighters with the Assembly Machine, players must first use the Fossil Cleaner to clean the fossils found in their Dig Sites. After successfully extracting one or two clean fossils, Coal must be collected and used to create the parts needed to construct the Fossil Fighter. Once the parts are acquired, players will insert the Fossil Fighter’s Core into the Assembly Machine and then construct additional parts from their materials to complete the creation of their custom Fossil Fighter. Once the parts are properly setup in the Assembly Machine, the machine will then construct the custom Fossil Fighter for the player to use.

82. Collect specific fossils in Treasure Hunts.

When playing Fossil Fighters, you can search for specific fossils using the various tools found throughout the game during a Treasure Hunt.

1. Collect Different Digging Parts: Throughout your travels, you’ll be able to find Digging Parts. These parts range from Levers and Pulleys to Cutters and Chisels, and each type will allow you to search a different type of terrain. Different Digging Parts will allow you to find fossils in specific kinds of terrain, so it is important to collect a variety of them to increase your chances of finding rare or specific fossils.

2. Move the Rocks and Search the Surroundings: Many of the Fossil Rocks located around the world can hold specific fossils that you may be searching for. So be sure to carefully move the rocks and search the surroundings of any Fossil Rocks that you come across during your hunts.

3. Use a Geyser: While exploring caves, you may spot Geysers. To make the Fossils appear, you will need to perform an action with your Digging Parts. The fossil that appears may be one that you’re looking for, so it is important to take the time to interact with geysers.

4. Make a Wish at the Holy Wall: If you are searching for a specific fossil, you can make a wish at the Ancient Ruins, near the Sacred Wall. When you make your wish, the wall will give you a hint of which Digging Part you will need to use to find the fossil you’re wishing for.

Good luck on your Treasure Hunts!

83. Revive previously fossilized monsters with the Revive-O-Matic.

The Revive-O-Matic is a machine that you can use to revive fossilized monsters. To use it, you’ll first need to acquire the required number of vivosaur fossils. These fossils can be obtained by breaking open rocks that contain fossils. Once you have the right number of fossilized monsters, place them into the Revive-O-Matic and press the reviving button. This will cause the machine to revive the fossilized monsters and turn them into vivosaurs, which you can then use in the game.

84. Practice your skills in the Combat Simulator.

1. Begin by entering the Combat Simulator in your base.

2. From the entrance, press the button to join a practice match.

3. Select the “Custom” difficulty setting and configure the parameters according to your preference.

4. Choose the battle rules and the number of opponents. The maximum number of opponents is three.

5. Choose your Vivosaurs and make sure their stats are equal or higher than the opponents you chose.

6. Finally, press the confirm button to start the practice match.

7. During the match, pay attention to your vivosaurs’ HP, CP, and FP stats. Move your Vivosaurs around the battlefield to create effective strategies against your opponents.

8. Once the match is over, analyze your performance and identify which areas need improvement. If desired, tweak the difficulty settings, Vivosaurs, and battle rules for the next practice match.

9. You can also use the “Save” button to save your practice match on your memory card. This will allow you to practice and perfect your strategies and tactics at any time.

85. Receive missions from Professor Anderson.

1. Talk to Professor Anderson in his office in Vivosaur Island.

2. Select the option “Missions” from the choices he gives you.

3. Choose the mission that you want to complete.

4. After you accept the mission, you will have to complete it in order to receive a reward.

86. Access special Battle Areas.

Special Battle Areas are areas in the game where advanced battles take pace. In order to access these areas, you must first beat the entire main storyline. After that, go to the special area with your party of 4 vivosaurs and talk to Lexi, who will give you permission to challenge advanced-level opponents. Once you have done this, special Battle Areas will become available to you for a higher difficulty challenge!

87. Modify existing fossils in the Reassembly Machine.

1. Select the “Modify” option on the Reassembly Machine.

2. Place the original fossil you wish to modify on the fossil shelf.

3. Select the Modify option again.

4. Pick the Parts that you wish to give the fossil from the given Parts shelf.

5. Enter the amount of coins you wish to pay to modify the fossil. The cost of modification varies based on the parts chosen.

6. If you want to see a preview of the modified fossil, select “Preview” and it will show you what it will look like after modification.

7. When you are satisfied, select “Confirm”.

8. The modified fossil will appear in the fossil shelf as a new creature.

88. Gather items and fruits in the Garden area.

Gathering items and fruits in the Garden area of Fossil Fighters requires the player to have a Watering Can. This item is upgraded throughout the game and can be used to water patchy areas of dirt, which will cause items and fruits to sprout randomly. The player can collect these items or fruits by pressing A, and then can be used in battle or traded in the shop.

89. Assemble the most powerful creatures and battle with them.

1. Obtain powerful Vivosaurs: Vivosaurs are the monsters in Fossil Fighters. You can find these fossils in the various excavation sites around the world. Use the excavation mini game to dig up the best Vivosaurs that you can find.

2. Prepare the fossils: Once you have found the fossils, you will need to clean off the rust and sand to reveal the Vivosaurs within. You can use the power of different charged hammers, drills, and atomizers to restore the fossils to their original form.

3. Take the revived Vivosaurs to the stadium: Once you have assembled the most powerful Vivosaurs, you will need to take them to the stadium where the battles take place. Make sure to bring a strong team and to bring the best offensive and defense strategies.

4. Battle: When the battle begins, make sure to select the appropriate moves for each Vivosaur on your team. Each Vivosaur has different strengths and weaknesses so use them to your advantage. Also try to strategize between Vivosaurs to create powerful combos.

5. Win: If you have used the right tactics and selected the right Vivosaurs on your team, you should come out victorious in your battles. Celebrate your wins and keep searching for more powerful Vivosaurs.

90. Complete daily missions to win rewards.

Daily missions are time-limited missions that reward Players with various items such as coins, rare fossils, and even honorary titles. Here’s how to complete them:

1. Check the mission list in the main menu or mission board in the lobby to view all available missions.

2. Select the mission you want to complete and then select a stage to challenge.

3. Complete the mission by defeating all of the enemies or by reaching the goal within the given time limit.

4. Upon completion, you’ll be rewarded with an item, such as coins or a rare fossil.

5. Repeat steps 1-4 each day to earn new rewards!

91. Compete in local and international tournaments.

Local Tournaments: You can compete in local tournaments by entering your vivosaur team in the tournament hall, located in the tournament building in the town square. At the tournament hall, you can enter tournaments organized by other players in your area, or host your own tournament and invite others to join.

International Tournaments: You can participate in international tournaments by using the Fossil Fight Network. This allows you to join tournaments held all around the world that have been organized and hosted by other players. You can search for available tournaments and join them in order to compete with players from other regions. To participate, you must use any of the compatible devices, including a desktop PC or a handheld device.

92. Hold special Fossil Battles in the Excavation Site.

Step 1: Clear out the area of regular fossils or move the Support Excavators away from your area.

Step 2: Activate the mini-game referred to as a “Fossil Battle”. Hold down the “A” button, while moving the stylus around to uncover the appropriate fossils.

Step 3: Make sure to uncover three fossils of one type, one after the other before starting the battle.

Step 4: Once three of the same type are revealed, the Fossil Battle will begin. The main goal is to fill up the Command Gauge as much as you can during the fight.

Step 5: You can win the fight by filling up the Command Gauge to the point where it flashes green.

Step 6: After you win the battle you must then break open the remaining fossils to receive rewards.

93. Revive old fossils with special parts.

To revive old fossils with special parts in Fossil Fighters, players must first acquire the Fossil Machine from Dr. Diggins in the town of Glozer. The Fossil Machine has six slots, each of which needs to be filled with a fossil piece of the rock-type, fire-type, water-type, or air-type. You can obtain fossils by either digging them up at special dig sites or buying them from the Fossil Guild.

Once you insert the pieces, the Fossil Machine will begin the reviving process. During the revival, four colored bars will appear and the player must tap to fill each bar with a fossil part. This will cause the fossil to fuse together and the fossil will be revived. After the fossil is revived, it will become a battle-ready Vivosaur!

94. Complete all-new puzzles for extra rewards.

Completing all-new puzzles for extra rewards in Fossil Fighters can be done by playing through the Money Puzzle Maze, a minigame accessible in the multiplayer lobby. To begin the Money Puzzle Maze, simply select it in the playable options at the center island.

The Money Puzzle Maze consists of many different puzzles of various levels of difficulty, and their main objective is to unlock the golden mound in the middle. To do this, you have to reach the exit of one of the side puzzles, which will reward you with coins and other prizes. As you progress through these puzzles, it will become more challenging. For players who are stuck on the harder puzzles, there are helpful hints available that will give you a better understanding of the puzzle’s mechanics.

As you complete puzzles, you will earn rewards such as coins, rare fossils, and enhance parts. To make sure that you get the most out of each Money Puzzle Maze run, it is recommended to play through as many of the puzzles as possible before exiting.

95. Dig up fossils with the Dig Drive Foundry.

The Dig Drive Foundry in Fossil Fighters is a mini-game used to dig up fossils. It involves using buttons corresponding to up, down, left and right on the DS or 3DS touch screen to move a digger over a piece of ground. When you touch the ground, the digger starts to excavate. Different colors of soil will require different speeds of excavation, as certain fossils may only be found in deeper soils. The aim is to reach the bottom of the soil and find a fossil. If you manage to do this in the allotted time period, the fossil will be added to your inventory. After excavating a fossil, you will return to the surface and can then move your digger to the next area.

96. Conserve energy by using the Power Save mode.

Power Save mode is a setting in the Fossil Fighters game that can help conserve energy by disabling certain features. It can be activated by pressing the Touch Screen or Start button.

Once enabled, all game audio and cinematics will be disabled, along with other features such as StreetPass and app alerts. This conserves battery life, allowing you to play for longer without having to charge. Additionally, it reduces strain on the 3DS hardware, reducing the amount of heat generated and helping it to run more efficiently.

97. Hack special files to gain access to new items.

In order to hack special files to gain access to new items in Fossil Fighters, you will need to use a cheat device or game-enhancing application. These are available for download and work with the game to allow you to access new items. Be sure to choose a reliable source when downloading these applications. After downloading and running the application, you will then be able to access special files and gain access to items such as new Fossil Fighters, items and more. Be sure to follow the instructions carefully to avoid any potential issues.

98. Utilize special tools such as the Fossil Scanner.

To utilize special tools such as the Fossil Scanner in Fossil Fighters, you first need to purchase the tool from the Tool Store. Once purchased, the tool can be used in the Fossil Stadium to hone your Vocabularoid’s excavating skills. The Fossil Scanner can be used to scan the terrain of a Fossil Site. Scanning the terrain will reveal the location and depth of any buried fossils. Once a fossil is located, the player can send their Vocabularoid to excavate the fossil. Utilizing the Fossil Scanner and other tools is an effective strategy for finding valuable fossils and becoming an expert Fossil Fighter!

99. Buy items and weapons with the Coins earned in battle.

1. Go to the in-game store. The store is located in the lobby of the Vivosaur Museum.

2. Look around the store and choose which items or weapons you want to buy.

3. Once you have selected the items or weapons, select the “Buy” option.

4. Input the amount of Coins you want to spend. You can use the Coins earned from participating in battles.

5. After confirming the purchase, you will have the items or weapons in your inventory.

100. Make use of helpful hints and secrets to become the ultimate Fossil Fighter!

1. Collect all available fossils: Using a scanner, explore all the areas available as fully as possible. When you come across an overhead view of a fossil or a sparkle, move your scanner over the area to collect as many different fossils as possible.

2. Upgrade your fighters: You can learn new moves and upgrade your fighter’s stats by using Fossil Rocks in the laboratory. This is the most effective way to increase stats for a particular move, upgrade stats for a certain type of fossil, or teach a new move.

3. Join a tournament: Participating in tournaments, even if you don’t win, will still give you a lot of experience points – which is useful to upgrade your fighters’ stats.

4. Save energy: Your fighters’ energy can be used up quickly, so try to save it whenever possible. If you are only going to fight one match, consider using weaker fighters and saving your better fighters for tougher matches.

5. Practice your moves: Practice is key to success, so make sure your fighters are able to correctly use the moves you’ve taught them. You can practice using the Combination Mode in the Battle Park to test out different moves and strategies.

6. Use ally fields: Ally fields can be used to your advantage during battle. Place your ally fields in strategic positions in order to give your fighters the upper hand.

7. Master abilities: There are several abilities that you can use to your advantage. You can use these before battle to increase your fighters’ stats and give yourself an edge.

8. Take advantage of weaknesses: Knowing your opponent’s weaknesses can be a big advantage in battle. Observe your opponent to find which stats they are weakest in and use your strongest fighters to your advantage.


Mastering Fossil Fighters is a great way for anyone to join the journey to become the ultimate fossil fighter. With the help of this guide, players can make the most out of their fossil fighting experience while learning all the secret tips and tricks for ultimate success. With the help of this guide, players can look forward to a fast-paced, fun, and exciting action-adventure as they embark on their fossil-hunting journey. Now, let the hunt begin!