Mastering 007 GoldenEye: Secret Tips and Tricks for Ultimate Success


Mastering 007 GoldenEye: Secret Tips and Tricks for Ultimate Success is the ultimate guide to becoming a master 007 player. This guide is filled with tips and tricks from experts in the field of 007 gaming and will help you become an expert GoldenEye player. This guide will teach you the strategies, tactics, and strategies necessary to win your matches. With detailed step-by-step instructions, you’ll learn how to use tactics such as assassinations, close-quarter firefights, and perfect aim to pull of the most intricate and challenging situations. As a result, this guide will give you the edge you need in-game and help you become the best 007 player possible.

1. Use the automated targeting system to take out enemies.

1. Begin by aiming the cursor at the target with your controller.

2. Hold down the aiming trigger and the auto-targeting will lock onto the closest enemy.

3. Once the target is locked, you can move the cursor away from the targeted enemy without losing their lock.

4. Release the aiming trigger to fire your weapon and take out the enemy.

2. Pre-fire corners and hide behind walls.

Pre-firing corners is a technique used to gain a tactical advantage in first-person shooters like 007 GoldenEye. The player will tap the trigger repeatedly before rounding a corner in order to fire their weapon as soon as they enter the enemy’s line of sight. It is important to note that pre-firing takes away a player’s ability to dodge incoming bullets.

To enhance protection, it is recommended to hide behind walls before attempting to pre-fire around a corner. Hiding behind a wall gives the player a chance to check the environment and spot possible enemy locations. As they peek around the corner, they can fire at enemies before the enemy can fire back.

3. Plant Proximity Mines in specified choke points.

1. First, equip the Proximity Mine using the “weapon select wheel.”

2. Locate an area on the map where a choke point exists. This can typically be found in areas where two opposing hallways intersect, or in narrow passageways.

3. Target the choke point using the aim feature and then press the secondary fire button. This will throw the Proximity Mine into the targeted area.

4. The Proximity Mine will stick to the walls or ground for a short period of time before detonating. When an enemy passes by, the mine will explode, damaging or killing anything in the vicinity.

4. Use Triangle Jumping to move more quickly and evade enemy fire.

Triangle Jumping is a jump technique used in 007 GoldenEye to move more quickly and evade enemy fire. To perform this technique, you must start by pressing the crouch button while in the air on top of a polygonal object, such as a box or a barrel. As you land, press the jump button, and press the crouch button again to prolong the jump before landing on the same polygonal object. If you keep repeating this process, you can chain jumps to travel more quickly and evade enemy fire.

5. Utilize stealth attacks to quickly eliminate enemies.

Utilizing stealth attacks to quickly eliminate enemies is a great way of avoiding engaging in hostile firefights in 007 GoldenEye. To do this, the player needs to tactically use the environment and game mechanics to their advantage. For example, the player can use silenced weapons such as the silenced PP7 to engage enemies from a distance and take them out without alerting other enemies. Additionally, the player can use stick and shock mine to set up traps for enemies and surprise them with an explosive attack. Lastly, the player can use stealth melee strikes to quickly eliminate enemies without being detected.

6. Zoom in on the scope of your weapons for pinpoint accuracy.

In order to Zoom in on the scope of your weapons for pinpoint accuracy in 007 GoldenEye, follow the below steps:

1. Select the weapon you wish to use.

2. Hold down the Aim Control button. This will bring up the Aiming Reticule.

3. While continuing to hold the Aim Control button, press the Zoom/Change Reticule button. This is usually Z or L2.

4. You will see the aiming scope increasing. When it has reached the desired level of zoom, release the Aim Control button.

5. You can adjust or reset the zoom level at any time using this same method.

7. Look out for special weapon crates, like RC-P90s.

Special weapon crates can be found in many levels throughout GoldenEye. These special crates, indicated by the “RC-P” symbol, contain either a heavy weapon, or a special weapon. To look out for special weapon crates, keep an eye out for the RC-P symbol or the sound of a crate “closing” nearby. When you find the crate, press the “Action” button (the A button on the Nintendo 64 controller) to open it. There may be additional crates around, so be sure to search the area thoroughly.

8. Toss frag grenades down long corridors to flush out enemies.

1. Get a good view of the long corridor.

2. Stand a few feet away so that your frag grenades will have enough time to roll down the corridor before exploding.

3. Throw a frag grenade slightly ahead and to the left or right of where you expect the enemy to be.

4. Wait a few seconds for the grenade to explode and repeat the process with other grenades until you have adequately flushed out the enemies.

5. After the enemy is eliminated, collect the frag grenades and continue on with the level.

9. Use the ZMG (9mm Automatic) to quickly take out multiple enemies.

Using the ZMG (mm Automatic) to quickly take out multiple enemies is relatively easy. To begin, equip the ZMG and aim down your sights. Then, hold down the fire button and quickly move the gun back and forth to hit multiple targets quickly. It’s important to try and hit multiple targets at the same time. Make sure to track the bullets and adjust your aim accordingly so that all shots impact their targets. Remember that the ZMG uses roughly two rounds per click of the fire button, so release and squeeze the trigger when necessary. Lastly, keep an eye on your ammunition and reload when necessary.

10. Utilize SMGs (Sub-Machine Guns) to take out multiple enemies at once.

1. Locate a spot with good cover: look for an area with plenty of obstacles such as walls, pillars, and crates that will provide cover from enemy fire.

2. Zoom in: Sub-machine guns are designed to be used in close range combat. Use your weapon’s zoom feature to precisely target multiple enemies before firing.

3. Fire in short bursts: Guns with a high rate of fire could spray bullets everywhere if you fire them in one long burst. To maximize your accuracy, fire in short bursts of two to three bullets at a time.

4. Lead your target: Most of the time, your aim needs to be ahead of your target to hit it accurately. Aim at the place where your target will be in a second or two.

5. Move around: Don’t just stay in the same spot. Move around to throw off the enemy’s aim. This will give you more chances to take out multiple enemies in quick succession.

11. Use the sniper rifle to pick off enemies from a distance.

1. Select the Sniper Rifle – To equip the Sniper Rifle, enter your Weapons menu (you may need to press L or R to access the menu) and scroll until you see the Sniper Rifle, then select it.

2. Zoom In – With the Sniper Rifle equipped, press in on the control stick to zoom in. This will allow you to get a better view of distant enemies. You can also move the crosshairs to aim at enemies.

3. Fire – Once you are locked onto an enemy, press the fire button to shoot. The Sniper Rifle has one-shot kills, so aim carefully to take out the enemy you’re targeting.

4. Reload – After every shot, you need to reload the Sniper Rifle. This can be done quickly by pressing the reload button.

12. Toss one of Bond’s signature Walther PP7 into the midst of enemies for a chain reaction.

1. First, equip Bond with the Walther PP pistol. This can be done by pressing the left directional button while in the weapons menu, then pressing X to select it.

2. Find a group of enemies to target, and press the right directional button to access the Grenades menu.

3. Select and equip a grenade, and press Square to manually aim and throw it.

4. After the grenade is thrown, quickly equip the Walther PP by pressing the left directional button while in the weapons menu once again.

5. Aim the Walther at the midst of the enemy group, and press Square to shoot.

If done correctly, the chain reaction will occur as Bond’s Walther PP detonates the grenade that was previously thrown, resulting in damage to the enemies within the vicinity.

13. Utilize remote control mines to control a battle from farther away.

Remote control mines are an effective way to control a battle from farther away in the game 007 GoldenEye. The mines are triggered by a proximity detector, which causes them to detonate when enemies move too close. To utilize these mines, first select them as your primary weapon and equip them. Equip the mines in an area that would allow you to spot approaching targets easily. Once the enemy is in range, detonate the mines by pressing the fire button. The explosions will be enough to disrupt the enemy’s defence and give you an advantage during the battle.

14. Take advantage of stealth kills with the knife to eliminate enemies quietly.

To take advantage of a stealth kill with the knife in the game 007 GoldenEye, you must first locate an enemy. Once you have identified the enemy, you must position yourself behind them in order to initiate the stealth kill. After positioning yourself, you must press and hold the B button to draw your knife and quickly press the A button while releasing the B button to initiate the knife attack. When successfully executed, the enemy should be eliminated without him or her ever being aware.

15. Don’t move too fast – enemies will be alerted to your presence more easily!

To don’t move too fast in 007 GoldenEye, you need to make use of the crouch feature. Crouching allows you to move at a much slower pace, making it harder for enemies to spot you. Additionally, you should avoid making sudden and large movements, as this will tip off nearby enemies to your presence. When you need to move around, try to zig-zag in order to make it difficult for enemies to track your movements. Lastly, make sure to use the environment around you to your advantage; utilize walls and other objects to remain concealed as you move around.

16. Use the radar to detect nearby enemies.

17. Utilize special accessibility items like locks and flashbangs to get to hard-to-reach places.

Locks and flashbangs are two of the most important tools available to the player in 007 GoldenEye.

Locks: Locks are barriers that block your path. There are several types of locks in the game, but they all have the same requirement for you to pass: you must find the corresponding key to unlock the lock. The keys can be found scattered throughout the game levels. Once you locate a key, approach the lock and press the keypad button on your controller to use the key and unlock the lock.

Flashbangs: Flashbangs are grenades that emit a bright flash and a loud noise when thrown. This temporarily blinds and deafens anyone in the area, making them vulnerable to attack and allowing you to sneak past them or make a quick escape. Flashbangs can also be used to temporarily disable lasers and other security devices. To do this, the flashbang must be thrown directly at the laser, which will cause it to shut off for a few seconds and allow you to pass.

18. Don’t forget to search the room for extra health!

To search the room for extra health in 007 GoldenEye, press the X Button to bring up the radial menu. Select the “Search Area” option to activate your character’s search mode. Your character will then search the room for hidden items, such as extra health. Now, when you come across a hidden item, it should appear as an icon on your radar screen. Move your character close to the icon to grab the item.

19. Take cover behind solid objects to shield yourself from enemy fire.

Taking cover behind solid objects is an important technique for staying alive in 007 GoldenEye. When taking cover, you must make sure that the object you use is solid enough to shield you from enemy fire. Objects like walls, large rocks, and even vehicles can provide good cover and protection from bullets.

When taking cover, move quickly and crouch as low as you can. This will make it harder for your enemies to hit you with their bullets. Make sure to peek around the corner, side, or edge of the object to assess your environment and make sure no enemies are close by.

Be sure to keep moving, switching positions behind cover if needed. This will make it difficult for your enemies to pin you down. Finally, keep in mind that trees, boxes, barrels, and thin walls will not protect you from enemy fire.

20. Pick up a secondary weapon to have more flexibility in battle.

To pick up a secondary weapon in 007 GoldenEye, you first need to press the left trigger while wielding a weapon. Then you’ll see a crosshairs pointing to the weapon box on the ground. At this point, press the X button to pick up the weapon. You’ll now have two weapons at your disposal, allowing you to have much more flexibility in battle.

21. Position yourself in a strategic location to maximize your firepower.

1. Utilize cover points: Look for strategic places on the map that will give you visual control over certain areas, such as ledges, corners, and doorways. This will allow you to fire down onto enemy targets and limit their ability to shoot back.

2. Keep your distance: Aim to keep your distance and stay away from enemy fire. Choose positions that are just out of range of enemy guns, which will give you the advantage of being able to freely take shots without worrying about quick retaliation.

3. Make yourself a difficult target: When positioning yourself on the map, try to keep moving to make it harder for enemies to shoot you. This could involve hopping from covering spot to covering spot, or ducking in and out of openings. To increase your chances of survival, always stay one step ahead.

4.Look for advantageous chokepoints: Try to identify unique avenues of approach on the map. This could involve setting up sniper nests and rifle positions in areas that are difficult to access, as well as at points where enemies have to funnel through.

22. Use stealth passes to sneak into enemy areas without being detected.

Stealth passes are special items that can be found throughout the game. They are used to help Bond sneak into enemy areas without being detected.

To use the stealth passes, Bond must approach the door that he wishes to enter and press the action button. This will cause the door to open, and a pass will be inserted into a wall panel near the door. Bond must then quickly press the action button again while standing in front of the panel for the door to open.

Doing this successfully will cause enemy units to ignore Bond as he enters the area, allowing him to explore or complete objectives with ease.

23. Reload your weapon quickly and efficiently to maximize effectiveness.

1. First, press the Reload button. This will bring up an onscreen prompt, asking you to Press the Reload Button again.

2. Press the Reload button again. This will begin to reload your weapon.

3. While the weapon is reloading, quickly press the Crouch button to crouch down. This will speed up the reload process.

4. Once the reload process is completed, press theJump button to jump back up and be ready for action.

5. You can also press the Talk button to reload your weapon even faster. This will bring up an onscreen prompt, allowing you to quickly reload all of your weapons before the enemies can react.

Using these strategies, you should be able to quickly and efficiently reload your weapon and maximize your effectiveness in the game.

24. Don’t waste ammo – aim for the head and make every shot count.

To make the most of your ammo in the game 007 GoldenEye, aim for the head with each shot. Headshots generally do more damage and require fewer shots to take down targets. Make sure to shoot accurately and avoid spraying bullets aimlessly – it wastes ammo and increases your chances of getting hit. Instead, take careful aim and make every shot count!

25. Move quickly when necessary, but stay low for better protection from enemy fire.

When moving quickly in 007 GoldenEye, try to stay low to the ground to stay better protected from enemy fire. Use sprint and crouch at the same time to move while crouched down low. Doing this will allow you to move quickly, as well as being largely protected from bullets. If you have to make a sharp turn, make sure to pause and peek around the corner. Aim and fire at enemies before exposing yourself fully.

26. Take advantage of the auto-aim feature for easier shooting.

The auto-aim feature in 007 GoldenEye allows players to instantly lock-on to enemies when an enemy is in view. To enable the auto-aim feature, go to the Options menu and select “Enable Auto-Aim”. This will cause the reticule to automatically swing towards the nearest enemy when an enemy is in view. Players should be aware that the auto-aim feature does decrease the effectiveness of manual aiming. To further increase accuracy, players may also wish to adjust the sensitivity of the auto-aim feature. This can also be adjusted in the Options menu.

27. Utilize the multi-player options for more chaotic action.

Multiplayer in 007 GoldenEye offers classic action-packed game modes for up to four players, as well as several options to customize your experience.

In order to utilize the multiplayer options, open the Start Menu and select Multiplayer. You can then choose the number of players and the game type.

You can customize your experience further by adjusting the options such as level per round, max health, weapons, respawning, time limit, and more.

Once you are ready, you can then select Start Game to begin your session. Enjoy the chaotic action!

28. Use the environment to your advantage – shoot barrels for an easy explosion.

The ability to use the environment to your advantage is a key component of 007 GoldenEye. One way to do this is to shoot barrels to cause an explosion. If there are enemies in the area, the explosion can damage them and provide a distraction so you can take them down. To shoot a barrel, simply aim the gun at it and press the fire button. Be careful, however, as shooting the wrong barrel can cause an explosion that will damage you.

29. Always be aware of your health. Use med-kits when needed.

30. Get a feel for different weapons to see which one fits you best.

1. To get a feel for different weapons in 007 GoldenEye, it is best to practice using them in Training Mode. This is an area of the game where you can choose any weapon and practice shooting targets.

2. Try out all of the weapons and see which one feels the most comfortable for you to use. Consider things like the size of the weapon, the weight of the weapon, how fast or slow it takes to fire the weapon and how it handles and responds when you fire it.

3. Take your time and experiment with different weapons during Training Mode. Compare and contrast different weapons side-by-side so you can easily get a feel for which one best fits your play style.

4. Once you have identified which one fits your play style best, consider equipping that weapon in Multiplayer Mode or doing some multiplayer practice matches. This will help you become more familiar and comfortable with the weapon, allowing you to perform better with it when in actual gameplay.

31. Destroy obstacles in your way with timed mines and C4 charges.

Timed Mines and C Charges are two types of explosives that can be used to destroy obstacles in your way, such as doors and barricades. To use these explosive devices, all you need to do is find where they are on the map, stockpile them, and then place them effectively.

To use the Timed Mines, you need to equip them and then press the fire button to throw them. You can then press the select button to choose when the Timed Mines will explode. There will be a timer that clearly displays when the explosion will occur in order to give you time to get away.

To use the C Charges, equip them and then press and hold the fire button. This will place the charges on the obstacle in your way. You can then press the select button to choose when the C Charges will explode. Again, there will be a timer that displays when the explosion will occur. Once the timer counts down, the obstacle in your way will be destroyed.

32. Analyze your enemies weakness and exploit it.

1. Pay Attention to Enemy Patterns: Keep track of how enemies move and attack. Are they predictable? Do they attack in groups or alone? Knowing the pattern of how your enemies approach you can help you better anticipate their next move.

2. Take Advantage of Flanking Opportunities: Your enemies’ patterns are not completely carved in stone. When you spot a good opportunity to flank your enemy while they’re distracted, take it! Flanking your enemies is a great way to get the upper hand and gain a strategic advantage.

3. Use Cover: Taking cover behind walls and other barriers is a great way to stay safe from enemy fire. Utilize cover to your advantage by taking cover behind objects or walls while picking off your enemies one by one.

4. Use Explosives: If you have access to explosive weapons, use them to your advantage! Explosive weapons can cause plenty of damage to multiple enemies at once. This is especially effective when enemies are bunched up or out in the open.

5. Utilize Weapon Upgrades: Upgrading your weapons can give you the edge you need to defeat your enemies. Most weapons in the game can have attachments and modifications added to them, increasing their stats and making them more powerful. Experiment with different upgrade combinations to find the perfect setup that best suits your play style.

33. Make sure you have enough ammo for all your weapons.

1. Allocate the appropriate amount of ammunition for each weapon at the beginning of each mission. You can check the amount of ammunition available for each weapon by opening the “Weapons” menu.

2. Make sure to restock on ammo as the mission progresses. This can be done by picking up dropped weapons, finding ammo crates, or searching the bodies of enemies.

3. Look for ammo packs whenever possible. These packs contain ammunition for all of your weapons.

4. Choose weapons wisely. Selecting the right weapon for the right situation can eliminate the need for extra ammunition.

5. Utilize weapons with greater range when possible. This will allow you to take out enemies before they have the chance to fire.

34. Blind enemies with flashbangs and then take them out!

1. Equip your character with a flashbang.

2. Spot an enemy and make sure they are in range.

3. Thrown the flashbang in front of the enemy, near them but not too close.

4. When the enemy is temporarily blinded, quickly equip and fire a gun or take them out with a melee attack.

5. repeat steps 1-4 as necessary until the enemy has been defeated.

35. Kick down doors with Bond’s signature kick for a faster entrance.

To do Bond’s signature kick and break down a door faster, stand directly in front of the door and press the ‘Action’ button on your controller. Bond will then do a roundhouse kick that will break the door open.

36. Use the Golden Gun to quickly take out a group of enemies in one shot.

The Golden Gun is one of the most powerful weapons in the game 007 GoldenEye. It is capable of taking out an entire group of enemies in one single shot. To use it, you must find the Golden Gun itself in each mission. It is usually found in a secret area, but you can find it by searching for the indicators on certain walls or in specific areas of the map. Once you pick it up, activate it by pressing the L trigger on the N64 controller. Aim it at the group of enemies and press the A button to fire. The gun will be powerful enough to instantly kill all of the enemies in one shot.

37. Utilize Bond’s PSP (Personal Security Device) to access special areas.

Bond’s Personal Security Device (PSP) can be used to access special areas in the game that usually require a keycard. To do so, in single player mode, the player must find the card reader, usually marked with a blue data chip icon. When near the reader, the player must press X to use the PSP. This will open previously locked doors as well as grant access to new areas of the game.

38. Plant remote mines in an area to surprise and take out unsuspecting enemies.

1. First, you need to get the Remote Mine. These can be found either randomly placed in specific maps or purchased from the weapon shop.

2. To plant a mine, you need to press the ‘Fire’ button and then quickly press the ‘Crouch’ button. The ‘Fire’ button must be pressed while you are close enough to the target spot.

3. After planting the mine, the mine will be placed at the target spot and will remain invisible until it is triggered.

4. When an unsuspecting enemy passes by the mine, it will be triggered and will explode, killing any enemy in its range.

39. Listen for enemy footsteps and be prepared to take them out quickly.

1. Select a quiet place in the level where there is less or no ambient noise.

2. Stay still and concentrate on listening for any faint sound.

3. Listen for any footsteps or movement that may indicate an approaching enemy.

4. When you hear these faint sounds, carefully aim your gun in the direction of the sound.

5. Once you have a clear line of sight to the enemy, take him out as quickly as possible.

40. Quickly switch between weapons to find the ideal one for the situation.

41. Use enemy weapons to maximize your efficiency.

1. Select the weapon best suited for the situation. For close-quarters combat, a shotgun or sub-machine gun can be used to quickly take out enemies. For longer-range combat, a sniper rifle can be used to take out enemies from a distance.

2. Select the enemy weapon which has the highest damage rating. Each weapon in the game has a numerical damage rating; select the weapon with the highest rating you can find.

3. Aim accurately. Take advantage of the game’s aiming system to hit multiple targets quickly and accurately. Use the zoom feature of sniper rifles, as well as manual aiming skills.

4. Use explosives. Exploding objects such as barrels and crates are an effective way to take out multiple enemies quickly.

5. Use cover. Use walls and obstacles in the environment to avoid being hit by enemy fire. Moving quickly between cover is also useful in taking out enemies before they have a chance to react.

42. Scan the area for objectives and objectives-related items.

43. The GoldenEye game mode provides additional challenges for experienced players.

In GoldenEye game mode, players are presented with enhancements such as modified objectives, different weapon load-outs, and increased difficulty. Players must overcome these new objectives while using a limited amount of weapons. Additionally, GoldenEye mode requires players to search for additional explosives or special items in the environment in order to progress. Finally, enemies have often been modified in terms of health, number, and AI in order to provide a more challenging gaming experience. Completing these objectives will award players with bonus points that can be used to unlock nostalgic cheats and unique levels.

44. Take out guards silently with knife kills.

1. Approach in Crouch or Aim-Down-Sight mode (ADS): Knives are best used when the enemy won’t know they are being attacked until it is too late. By crouching or standing still while aiming down the sights, you can remain undetected until you are ready to strike.

2. Wait for a guard to make a move: Keep an eye out for patrolling guards, or those who approach and then circle back or move away from you slowly. This will give you the opportunity to make a stealthy attack.

3. Position yourself properly: Make sure you are positioned so that if you lunge at the guard with your knife, you won’t be noticed by other guards when you make your move.

4. Move in for the kill: When the guard is close enough for you to make the kill, move in quickly and time your attack to achieve the silence you need. Strike with the knife when the target is just starting a turn or between footsteps.

45. Plant sticky bombs and watch them explode from a safe distance.

To plant sticky bombs and watch them explode from a safe distance, you can use the ‘Remote Mine’ weapon.

First, look for an open area in the level, then press and hold B to switch weapons to the ‘Remote Mine’. While aiming at the ground, press B again to select the ‘Plant’ action. You will then see a mine icon appear on the ground. Move away from the mine so that you are at a safe distance, then press the B button to detonate the mine. The mine will then explode, destroying any nearby enemies or objects.

46. Use smoke grenades to hide while you attack.

Smoke grenades are one of the most powerful tools available in 007 GoldenEye. The smoke emitted by the grenades obscures the enemy’s vision, making it easier for you to attack without being detected. To make the most of smoke grenades, you’ll need to know how to correctly use them.

When using smoke grenades, first assess the area and choose a spot to launch them from. Make sure you have an escape route. Then, quickly toss the grenade and remain behind cover until it detonates. Wait for the smoke to dissipate before entering the area. Move quickly to your destination, taking cover when needed. As you move through the smoke, make sure to keep a low profile and stay out of eyesight of the enemy.

Once you have reached your destination, use weapons or other methods to attack the enemy. Move quickly and assuredly, taking advantage of the cover provided by the smoke, and keep an eye on the area. When you have finished your attack, quickly move back towards the exit and use smoke grenades to obscure your exit.

Following these steps will help ensure you can successfully use smoke grenades to hide while you attack in 007 GoldenEye.

47. Utilize the zoom feature to snipe enemies from a far away.

To utilize the zoom feature to snipe enemies from a far away, use the aiming joystick to control your crosshair, and press the C-Left button to zoom in onto long-distances targets. You can use this zoom feature to quickly spot the enemies and shoot them down. You can also adjust the zoom level by pressing the C-Up and C-Down buttons. If you want to exit the zoom mode, press the C-Left button again.

48. Shoot out lights for a better advantage in low-light conditions.

49. Take out guards silently with silenced weapons.

1. Equip a silenced weapon. The most commonly used weapons used for taking out guards silently are the silenced PP7 or the Klobb (both of these can be found on various levels).

2. Crouch or go prone. Approaching a guard while crouching or in a prone position can help you to remain unseen.

3. Locate the guards. Keep an eye out for suspicious activity and reactions from guards that indicate their presence.

4. Aim your weapon. Position yourself carefully while aiming so that your line-of-fire is unobstructed. Aim for the head as this will result in a quick and silent kill.

5. Fire your weapon. Do not hesitate once you have lined up your shot as this could alert the guards to your presence. A single well-placed shot should do the trick.

6. Repeat as needed. If necessary, take out additional guards. Make sure to remain aware of your surroundings and move cautiously.

50. Pay attention to enemy movements to anticipate their actions.

Paying attention to enemy movements is an important strategy for anticipating their actions in 007 GoldenEye. To do this, look for any patterns in their behavior such as: where they go when you’re not looking, where they’re looking, how they react when they see you, and how they defend themselves. Any signs of surprise can help you figure out their next move. Additionally, pay attention to their weapon choice and the way they move. This can help you better anticipate their movements. Finally, be aware of your position relative to the enemy. If you can figure out where the enemy is most likely to move, you can position yourself to take advantage of this and could make or break a mission.

51. Make sure you’re using the right weapon for the job.

1. Make sure you are familiar with the different weapons available in 007 GoldenEye. Check the game’s menu and investigate the different types of firearms, explosives and other gadgets available to the player.

2. Consider the context of your mission and the expected difficulty. Different weapons may be more suitable for different situations; for example, using a shotgun for a stealth mission may not be the best choice.

3. Consider the versatility of the weapon. While some weapons are powerful, they may not be effective against different types of enemies. Additionally, consider the mobility of the weapon, as some weapons may be too bulky for certain situations.

4. Experiment and practice with different weapons. The best way to become familiar with different weapons is to try them out in the game. This will help you learn how to use each type of weapon more effectively.

52. Stay tuned for special objectives and rewards as you progress.

53. Take cover quickly to protect yourself from enemy fire.

54. Don’t run out in the open – stay in cover as much as possible.

Don’t run out in the open while playing 007 GoldenEye. Staying in cover is one of the most important things you can do while playing 007 GoldenEye. This means you should remain behind objects and walls whenever possible, as this gives you protection from enemy fire and will make it harder for the enemy to spot you. Try to avoid taking risks by leaving cover, and instead use stealth tactics to look for items and enemies without putting yourself in harm’s way. Also, make sure to move around the level quickly so that enemies don’t have time to target you.

55. Watch out for shotguns – they can be deadly at close range.

A shotgun is a powerful weapon, especially at close range. Shots fired from a shotgun will spread out, covering a wide area with pellets- the more pellets in an area, the greater the chance of hitting a target. In 007 GoldenEye, it’s important to be aware of enemies that may be armed with a shotgun. If you see an enemy armed with a shotgun, be sure to stay out of its range. Keep your distance and shoot from a distance. Try to take cover if possible to further limit the enemy’s effective range. Finally, watch for the telltale yellow circle that appears when an enemy with a shotgun is in view, which will appear on the game’s HUD. If you see the circle, you know an enemy with a shotgun is nearby.

56. Take out enemies with Bond’s signature headshots.

1. Aim at the enemy’s head with the weapon of your choice. An assault rifle, sniper rifle or pistol work best.

2. Wait until your aim is steady. You want to be as accurate as possible.

3. When you are sure you can make an accurate shot, pull the trigger and aim for the enemy’s head.

4. It is wise to wait a few seconds after firing your first shot. If the enemy is still standing, take another shot at their head.

5. If the enemy is still alive, move to a different position and take another headshot for a clean kill.

57. Use proximity mines and sticky grenades to take out multiple enemies at once.

Proximity mines and sticky grenades are two powerful weapons that can easily eliminate multiple enemies in a single action. To use them effectively, you must first find an area that is accessible to multiple enemies at once. Make sure the area is well hidden so as to give you enough time to arm the mines and grenades. Once the area is chosen, position the mines and grenades accordingly. Activate them by pressing the fire button and wait for the enemies to approach. When they’re in range, the mines will explode and the grenades will latch onto them causing a massive explosion and eliminating multiple enemies at once.

58. Use the Taser to temporarily stun enemies while you set up for a kill.

59. Utilize sound cues to identify a potential enemy presence.

Sound cues are a great way of being able to detect enemy presence. Listen for the sound of moving nearby, talking, firing shots, or any other distinctive sound. Textures like footsteps on different surfaces can also give away the presence of opponents, as can the sound of reloading a weapon or switching to a weapon with a special sound. Paying attention to the direction the sound is coming from can also help you pinpoint an enemy’s location. Paying attention to how a sound fades away can also help indicate how far away the source of the sound is. Make sure you listen carefully and pay attention to any changes in the sound to be able to accurately identify a potential enemy presence.

60. Access secret passages to complete objectives and progress to the next level.

Secret passages can be used to access hidden areas and complete objectives to progress to the next level in 007 GoldenEye. To access these passages, you must look out for pressure switches located around the level. Sometimes, you may need to open a locked door to reach the switch. When you step on the switch, you’ll unlock a hidden door or passageway that will lead to a secret area. Once in the secret area, look out for objectives or clues that may help you progress to the next level.

61. Utilize melee attacks to take out nearby enemies quickly.

Melee attacks in 007 GoldenEye are a great way to take out nearby enemies quickly without firing a single shot. To perform a melee attack, press the Action button on the controller when the cursor is over an enemy. This will automatically cause your character to lunge forward and punch or kick the enemy, knocking them down. You can also perform a disarm move by tapping the action button while aiming at an enemy. This will cause your character to lunge forward and grab the enemy’s gun, leaving them defenseless. It is important to note that while melee attacks are quick and quiet they are also risky, as enemies may be within range or may be alerted to your location.

62. Use guard distractors to keep enemies off your back.

Guard distractors are a useful tool in 007 GoldenEye for keeping enemies off your back while you complete a mission.

It works like this: you equip a guard distractor item like a bomb or a remote mine. Then you place it near an enemy you want to distract or near an area that enemies may pass through. Once the guard distractor is in place, it will explode or activate when enemies get close, causing them to be stunned or confused. This will give you a few seconds to complete your objective or make your escape without being noticed by the enemies.

63. Set up ambushes to take out enemies quickly and efficiently.

1. Choose a position with cover and a vantage point. This should be where you have vision of the area occupied by enemies and clear fields of fire.

2. Equip the most powerful weapons. For close quarters there is nothing more powerful than the assault riffle. For long range engagements you’ll want something like the sniper rifle or heavy machine gun.

3. Set up your position to blend in with the environment. Try to disguise your position by using objects around you to form a sort of blind and camouflage. A low wall, crates, barrels, or any kind of object can be used.

4. Remain still if you can. The more you move, the more you’re at risk of being spotted by the enemy. Adopt the position you can hold for the longest amount of time with the least risk possible.

5. Once the enemies are in range, spring the ambush. Only shoot when you have a good shot. This will maximize your chances of a one-time hit. You don’t want to miss and take the risk of engaging in an extended fire fight.

64. Use disguise to blend in with enemies and pass unnoticed.

1. When you encounter an enemy, approach them and press the A button to put on the disguise.

2. Make sure it is the same type of disguise as the enemy you are going to blend in with.

3. When you have the disguise on you can carefully make your way over to the enemy you wish to blend in with.

4. Be aware of your surroundings and be careful not to stand out.

5. Keep moving and looking like the enemy you are disguised as.

6. When you reach the group they will let you pass unnoticed.

65. Use the secondary fire on weapons to maximize your effectiveness.

The secondary fire of weapons in GoldenEye allows players to fire weapons in an alternate, almost always more powerful manner than the primary mode of fire. These alternate modes are found useful in certain situations. Some weapons, like the Automatic Shotguns, allow for more range by shooting multiple rounds in one shot. The AR33 Assault Rifle secondary fire allows for more concentrated fire by offering a three-round burst fire capability. The RCP90 can fire more powerful and accurate shots through a scope. To maximize your effectiveness with the secondary fire mode, aim for the head, stay far away from the target, and take advantage of the increased power when possible.

66. Make sure you’re always aware of your health and armor levels in battle.

1. Pay attention to the status meter in the upper-right corner of your screen. This meter indicates not only your health but also your armor level.

2. As you take damage in battle, the status meter will decrease. If your health meter keeps getting lower and lower, you’ll need to use health packs to replenish your health.

3. Similarly, if your armor meter gets lower, you’ll need to replenish it with armor packs.

4. Keep an eye on your health and armor levels throughout the game and make sure not to let them drop too low. Having healthy levels of health and armor can mean the difference between life and death in battle.

67. Scan the area for health packs and armor to replenish yourself.

68. Use alternate fire and fire modes to increase damage or accuracy.

Alternate fire and fire modes are special abilities that you can use in 007 GoldenEye to increase damage or accuracy when shooting. For example, you can use a locked-on shot to target a specific part of an enemy’s body for increased accuracy, or you can switch to a full-auto fire mode to increase damage by firing multiple bullets quickly and accurately. The sniper rifle also has an alternate fire mode which slows down time, giving you greater accuracy when trying to hit a target. All of these alternate fire and fire modes can help you be more precise and effective when shooting enemies in 007 GoldenEye.

69. Look out for special bonus levels that provide unique challenges.

Special bonus levels are designed to offer unique goals and challenges that must be completed in order to progress through the game. These levels often include different objectives than the regular levels, like shooting all the targets in a specific time limit or using special weapons to complete the mission. In order to access these bonus levels, players must complete a certain number of mission objectives or other bonus objectives. The game often has to be completed on a higher difficulty setting to unlock the secret bonus levels. After completing the special bonus levels, new weapons and items can be accessed.

70. Track down hidden items and bonus objectives to complete the missions.

To track down hidden items and bonus objectives in 007 GoldenEye, there are a few tips and tricks you can use.

First, try to explore all areas thoroughly. Items or objectives may be hidden behind or on top of walls or objects. Also, keep an eye out for hidden doors or panels, as they may contain items or objectives.

Second, listen carefully. When exploring an area, the game’s soundtrack can alert you to hidden items or objectives. Certain sound cues can indicate when something special can be found.

Third, pay attention to the mission briefings before each level, as they often give clues about items and objectives you may need to find, as well as hints about where they can be located.

Finally, search for secrets mode or bonus objectives on the main menu. Certain levels may have hidden objectives or extra levels that can unlock additional items or bonuses. Experiment by selecting different options on the main menu and exploring different levels.

71. Take advantage of your special gadgets like the camera spike and grappling hook.

Camera Spike: The Camera Spike is a useful tool for seeing through walls and finding items or enemies. To use the Camera Spike, press the Aim/Fire button (R2 on the PlayStation controller) while the Spy Cam is equipped. Point the crosshairs towards a wall, and press the Aim/Fire button twice.

Grappling Hook: The Grappling Hook is a great way to reach higher platforms or access otherwise unreachable items. To use the Grappling Hook, equip the Spy Cam (L1), then press the Aim/Fire button (R2) to switch to the Grappling Hook. Aim and fire at any nearby wall or ceiling to latch onto it. When the hook is attached, press the Jump button (X) to swing away.

72. Utilize jump-kills to eliminate enemies quickly from above.

Jump-kills are a helpful tactic for eliminating enemies quickly and quietly in the game 007 GoldenEye. To utilize this technique, you will need to sneak up behind your enemy and press the “A” button to jump. While in the air, press the “B” button to trigger the shot. You must quickly aim and fire at your enemy before you land on the ground. If your aim is accurate, your enemy will be obliterated. If you plan on using this technique to defeat multiple enemies in a row, you should make sure to aim strategically before shooting as there is a slight delay before the shot is fired upon pressing the “B” button.

73. Use the cloak to move silently and unnoticed through the level.

74. Most importantly, have fun! It’s a game after all.

To play 007 GoldenEye, you will need either an Nintendo 64 console or an emulator. To begin, you will need to choose either the single-player or the multi-player mode. To start a single-player mission, you will choose a difficulty level, choose an objective, and then select your preferred weapon. In multi-player mode, you may choose to battle with friends in a variety of game modes with differing parameters. You may also choose your weapon and adjust the difficulty level. When playing in either mode, you will need to explore the various levels, as each level will contain different objectives, enemies, and rewards. You will also need to take cover, use weapons and items, and take out enemies in order to progress through the levels.

75. Shoot out power nodes to take out enemies without ever being seen.

1. Activate the “All Guns Cheat”. This will allow you to use any weapon in the game without alerting any of your enemies.

2. Equip yourself with either a Sniper rifle or a Rocket Launcher.

3. Find an enemy group that is in front of a power nodes, such as crates, barrels, doors, etc.

4. Stand at a distance from the enemy group and aim at the power node, but not at the enemies themselves.

5. Fire the Sniper Rifle or Rocket Launcher at the power node to blow it up.

6. This will take out any enemies that were in the vicinity of the power node, without alerting any other enemies in the area.

76. Use mines, C4, and trip mines to demolish enemies in your path.

77. Look for secret passageways to gain an edge on your enemies.

78. Use the night vision goggles to detect enemies in the dark.

1. Locate the night vision goggles on your weapon selection menu.

2. Equip the night vision goggles as a weapon.

3. Activate the night vision goggles. They should be highlighted in the menu.

4. Locate a dark area of the map.

5. Use the night vision to detect enemies in the dark. The enemies will appear brightly lit and colored in green because of the night vision goggles.

6. Take out any enemies that you detect.

79. Always keep moving and use cover when possible.

80. Utilize bond vision to identify enemies and their weapons.

81. Follow enemy movements to identify their patrol paths and plan accordingly.

1. When playing the game, observe your enemies’ movement patterns to identify repetitive patrol paths. Pay attention to the direction they take when patrolling and how invested they are in their assigned areas.

2. Once you’ve identified their patrol paths, determine when they are most active and note the optimal times for moving around the map without getting spotted.

3. Use the patrol paths identified to plan your movements to avoid being seen by the enemy. Use the enemy movement patterns to determine when the safest time for engaging is and plan accordingly.

4. If the enemies are distracted by something or have been alerted by your presence, use their patrol paths to identify potential escape routes and plan your movements accordingly.

5. Be sure to make note of changes in the enemy’s patrol paths after engaging with them, as they may have adjusted their routines in response to your action.

82. Use the proximity mine layer for quick and easy mining of objectives.

The Proximity Mine Layer is a great tool to quickly and easily mine objectives in 007 GoldenEye. To use it, you will need a Proximity Mine primed and ready. Then, set the Proximity Mine Layer on the ground near the objective you wish to mine. When an enemy passes through the proximity field, the mine will be triggered and they will take damage. You can also set the proximity field to be activated by objects or sounds, making the Proximity Mine Layer a versatile and useful tool for mining objectives.

83. Utilize the silenced sniper rifle for a more stealthy approach to combat.

1. The silenced sniper rifle is one of the most powerful weapons in 007 GoldenEye. It is ideal for creeping behind enemy lines and eliminating targets while remaining undetected.

2. To use it effectively, equip the silenced sniper rifle and use it in combination with your Radar. The Radar will display the location of all nearby enemies, allowing you to take them out silently without alerting their allies.

3. Make sure to keep well-hidden and use the GPS on your radar to guide you around enemy forces. Use the walls and objects of your surrounding environment to your advantage and to close the distance between you and your target with minimal detection.

4. Aim and shoot with precision and accuracy. The silenced sniper rifle is very powerful and a single shot can take out an entire group of enemies.

5. Remember to keep your distance and move quickly if you are startled. Utilize the silenced sniper rifle for a stealthier approach to combat and you’ll be able to take out your enemies successfully without being detected.

84. Take out multiple enemies with the grenade launcher or rocket launcher.

Grenade Launcher/Rocket Launcher:

1. Aim down the sights of the weapon and keep your aim steady on your targets.

2. Fire a shot that will explode near them (or right next to them if possible).

3. If your shot does not hit the first enemy, immediately re-aim the weapon and fire at the next enemy quickly.

4. Rinse and repeat until all enemies have been eliminated.

85. Follow your objectives closely to make sure you get the job done.

1. Read all of the mission objectives carefully and take note of any important details.

2. As you play through the level, look for clues to help you meet each objective and make sure to follow those cues.

3. Pay attention to your character’s health and ammo level to ensure it is high enough to meet your objectives.

4. Talk to non-player characters (NPCs) to get valuable information that might give you more insight into completing your mission.

5. Make sure to avoid taking unnecessary risks that could throw off your chances of success.

6. Check the in-game map often to help you find your way and to plan your route accordingly.

7. Fully explore each area to identify hidden pathways, items, or weapons that could help you complete your mission.

8. Make use of game-specific elements, such as sniper scopes, to make sure you can meet your objectives from a safe distance.

9. Take your time to ensure you can adequately complete each mission in your own style.

10. Rely on backup or support options from allies if possible to help you fulfill your primary objectives.

86. Shoot out any cameras that might spot you and alert enemies of your presence.

To shoot out any cameras that might spot you and alert enemies of your presence, you need to equip the correct weapon and fire at the camera. The weapons that can shoot out cameras in the game are the ZMG (9mm), Phoenix, Magnum, AR33, and Cougar Magnum. When using one of these weapons, aim at the camera until the bullets hit it, and the camera will be destroyed and disabled.

87. Don’t be afraid to jump up and down – it can give you a height advantage.

Don’t be afraid to jump up and down in 007 GoldenEye if you want to gain a height advantage over your opponents. In certain parts of levels, you can jump onto higher platforms or ledges, allowing you to reach areas that were previously out of reach or to gain a better view of the action. This can help you spot enemies before they spot you and gives you a tactical advantage in-game.

88. Use ECMs to temporarily disrupt enemy communications.

1. Equip the ECM: Select the ECM from your inventory and equip it. You will know it is equipped when the ECM icon appears on your weapon wheel.

2. Activate the ECM: Hold down the secondary equip key and press the primary fire key.

3. Use the ECM: ECMs will disrupt enemy communications, temporarily disabling their weapons and preventing them from calling for backup. The effect will last for approximately 10 seconds. Once the effect wears off, enemy comms will be restored.

89. Utilize the sticky cam for a strategic vantage point on enemy movements.

Step 1: Locate an area where you need to move through the enemy’s territory.

Step 2: Place the sticky cam (by pressing and holding the fire button) close to the wall or ceiling of that area, making sure to select the best angle and direction to see what the enemy may be doing.

Step 3: Observe the enemies movements from your vantage point using the sticky cam. You can pan and zoom using the camera, but it is worth noting that the more you move around, the more vulnerable the camera becomes to detection by enemies.

Step 4: Take note of any enemy movements, projectile trajectories, and body placement. Knowing this information can help you plan your route and timing through the enemy’s territory accordingly.

Step 5: When you are confident that you have taken all necessary notes, you can pick up and move the sticky cam to another location using the same method.

90. Master weapons like the Super Dragon and RC-P90 for maximum destruction.

Mastering the Super Dragon:

1. Equip yourself with the Super Dragon and head to a single-player level with multiple enemies.

2. As you fire at foes, familiarize yourself with the Super Dragon’s rate of fire and recoil.

3. Tackle multiple enemies at the same time, trying to kill them quickly while being mindful of incoming fire.

4. When you’re comfortable with the Super Dragon’s overall performance, switch between firing with single shots and rapid fire.

5. Gain accuracy in shooting by literally ‘painting’ the entire level with a consistent stream of bullets.

6. Take out enemies by quickly panning across the landscape and strafing while keeping your gun fire accurate.

7. Take every opportunity to lock onto foes and hit them in the head with a single shot for a faster kill.

Mastering the RC-P:

1. Equip the RC-P and head to a single-player level with multiple enemies.

2. Familiarize yourself with the RC-P’s rate of fire and get used to aiming it by tracking targets with your reticle.

3. Experiment with the RC-P’s altitude control to give it more range.

4. Take out enemies by quickly panning across the landscape and strafing while keeping your RC-P fire accurate.

5. While in mid-air, try to use the RC-P’s altitude control to increase accuracy.

6. Aim for weak points, such as the head, back or leg, of your target for a faster kill.

7. Lastly, practice with your RC-P until you are comfortable and can aim at multiple enemies at once.

91. Utilize the exploding drones to deal damage without getting too close.

The exploding drones in 007 GoldenEye are a great way to deal damage to enemies without getting too close. To use them, you must first activate the “Emplaced” button on the controller. This will allow you to control the drones remotely with the left analog stick. You can then move the drone to an area where an enemy is located and press the A button to detonate it. The explosion will damage any opponents nearby, while you stay safely away. Additionally, the exploding drone will also cause damage to surface objects, allowing you to clear large areas quickly.

92. Look for secret rooms and passages to discover hidden bonus items.

1. Start each level in 007 GoldenEye with a comprehensive exploration. Check walls, furniture, and even the floor for secret passages.

2. Look for suspicious areas, such as unusual wall textures or furniture placement.

3. Scan floors and walls in search of depressions or switch plates. These can trigger secret passages when touched.

4. Targets of enemies can sometimes trigger hidden rooms. Shoot them to test this out.

5. Search for wedged or weighted objects. Moving them or shooting them can reveal secret areas.

6. If you discover a hidden room or passage, there’s a good chance you’ll find bonus items. These can range from extra ammo and health to bigger rewards such as weapons and cheat codes.

7. If you’ve explored a level top-to-bottom and still cannot find the secret areas, try playing the mission again on a harder difficulty. This will often spawn different elements in the environment.

93. Access files and documents to gain vital information that can help you on your missions.

1. Go to the map where the mission is located.

2. Look for terminals such as computers or telephone booths.

3. Interact with the terminals by pressing the action button.

4. Access the correct terminal and a password option may appear.

5. Enter the password associated with the terminal, if necessary.

6. Select the files and documents option.

7. Go through the available files and documents to obtain the necessary information.

94. Attack enemies from nearby rooftops if the opportunity presents itself.

1. Look for tall buildings or structures that offer a vantage point, such as a rooftop.

2. Make sure you have enough ammunition to take out any nearby enemy targets.

3. Use your sniper rifle, if available, to zoom in and get a better view of the enemies.

4. Aim and shoot enemies with precision using your sight on the sniper rifle.

5. If you don’t have a sniper rifle, use cover to protect yourself and take out enemies with your primary weapon using quick, precise shots.

6. Stay aware of your surroundings and use discretion in attacking, as enemies may not be in plain sight.

7. If possible, also try to pick off enemies from high ground since they will have difficulty hitting you back.

95. Collect multiple ammo packs and magazines to keep your weapons ready.

To collect multiple ammo packs and magazines in 007 GoldenEye, you can pick up ammo crates found throughout the levels and search through the weapons lockers located at various strategic locations. Ammo crates will usually contain one or two kitted out weapon subscriptions that will hold multiple ammo packs and magazines for you to fill up on. Weapons lockers provide a wider selection of ammo than the crates; you can search through those to find specific types of ammo that you may need. Additionally, defeated enemies will drop ammo packs for you to collect, so make sure to take advantage of this opportunity when you can.

96. Utilize split jumps to quickly clear large gaps in walls.

Split jumps are a move used to quickly clear large gaps in walls. To perform the move, first, the player needs to run towards the gap in the wall. When they reach the edge, they should press and hold the jump button and make a 90-degree turn in the direction they want to jump. Finally, release the jump button and press the action key to perform the split jump. This should allow the player to make larger jumps than would normally be possible and clear larger gaps in walls.

97. Carry several frag grenades to quickly clear a room of enemies.

1. Before entering the room, equip frag grenades from your inventory. You can carry up to six grenades.

2. When you enter the room, throw grenades in a pattern that covers a wide area to ensure maximum damage. For example, toss two grenades near each entrance and then one in the middle of the room.

3. As the grenades explode, they should clear out the enemies in the room. Use this opportunity to shoot the survivors before they can react.

98. Utilize EMP rounds to disable nearby electronic equipment.

EMP rounds are special rounds found in the single-player mode of 007 GoldenEye that can be used to disable nearby electronic equipment. To utilize an EMP round, equip your weapon with the EMP round attachment by pressing “L1” or “R1” to select the EMP rounds. Fire the EMP round at a piece of electronic equipment such as a terminal or a security camera and the EMP round will disable the electronic equipment and cause a short circuit. Keep in mind that the EMP round will not affect personnel and can only damage electronics.

99. Take out enemies with Bond’s trademark dual-wielding.

To take out enemies with Bond’s trademark dual-wielding in 007 GoldenEye, the player must first acquire two weapons. This can be done by pressing the black button on the Wii remote to switch to the second slot. The player must then equip both weapons with the same trigger. After both weapons are ready, the player can fire both at the same time for a dual-wielding attack by pressing the “A” button on the Wii remote. This will allow Bond to take out enemies quickly and efficiently.

100. Utilize the electromagnetic pulse grenade to quickly stop enemies from advancing.

The electromagnetic pulse (EMP) grenade is a powerful tool available to players in the game 007 GoldenEye. It makes it easy to deal with multiple enemies quickly. To use the EMP grenade, select it from the grenade tab in the weapon selection menu. When it is deployed, it will create a powerful EMP blast which will temporarily disable all electronic equipment in the vicinity, including the enemy’s weapons. This will temporarily stop them from advancing on you. It is important to note though, that the EMP grenade will only work on electronic equipment and not on enemies themselves. So, while it does temporarily disable their weapons, you still need to be prepared to deal with them when they come back online.


Mastering 007 GoldenEye is not only fun, but also incredibly rewarding. With a combination of skill, strategy, and a bit of luck, it’s possible for anyone to master 007 GoldenEye and experience immense success. With the help of the Secret Tips and Tricks, you have all the tools to become a 007 GoldenEye master in no time. So get on those levels, practice your weapons, and prove your mettle by unlocking all the medals. Good luck!